Pcap-over-IP in NetworkMiner

Pcap over IP network protocol stack

Version 1.1 of NetworkMiner is soon to be released by us at Netresec. I would therefore like to give you a sneak preview of a simple yet very useful feature that we've added. We call this new feature “Pcap-over-IP”, which is a name originally coined by Packet Forensics.

With Pcap-over-IP you can have NetworkMiner read a pcap file (or libpcap formatted data in general) or over a TCP socket instead of getting it via the file system. The easiest way to send a pcap file over a TCP socket is to pipe a pcap file to netcat like this:

# cat sniffed.pcap | nc 57012

In this example I'd be running NetworkMiner on a PC with IP and have Pcap‑over‑IP listening to TCP port 57012. Click File, Receive PCAP over IP (or Ctrl+R) to open the PCAP-over-IP window and click the "Start" button. NetworkMiner will save the received packets to disk as well as parse and display the contents of the packets in the GUI when receiving the Pcap‑over‑IP stream.

NetworkMiner receiving Pcap-over-IP data

Pcap-over-IP also allows me to do live network sniffing with dumpcap from my local Windows machine and pipe the captured packets to NetworkMiner via a TCP socket, using Netcat for Windows like this:

C:\Program Files\Wireshark>dumpcap -i 4 -P -w - | C:\Tools\Netcat\nc.exe 57012

Note that the “-w -” switch tells dumpcap to push the raw libpcap formated data to standard output (stdout) rather than saving it to a pcap file.

The reason for using dumcap to perform the live sniffing rather than using the built in packet capturing functionality of NetworkMiner is that dumpcap is an extremely reliably tool when it comes to capturing packets. So by sniffing with dumpcap instead of NetworkMiner you minimize the risk of dropping some packets.

I can also use Pcap-over-IP to capture network traffic from a remote PC or device. I can, for example use tcpdump to sniff traffic on the external interface of my Linux-based firewall and push it to an analyst station like this:

# tcpdump -i eth1 -s 0 -U -w - | nc 57012

I can also perform remote WiFi sniffing with dumpcap or tcpdump from a Linux machine and send the sniffed packets to NetworkMiner with netcat like this:

# iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
# iwconfig wlan0 channel 4
# dumpcap -i wlan0 -P -w - | nc 57012

It is even possible to receive multiple PCAP streams simultaneously with NetworkMiner. This way I could have 14 dumpcap or tcpdump processes sniffing each individual IEEE 802.11 channel, while monitoring all the captured traffic in real-time with a single instance of NetworkMiner. However, note that this would require 14 sniffer computers or a single sniffer machine with 14 WiFi cards.

SSL encryption

Don't like sending your pcap files in cleartext over the network? That's just fine, we've also implemented support for SSL/TLS encryption in NetworkMiner. You can use the great multipurpose relay tool socat to read your pcap file and have it encrypted with SSL while transiting the network like this:

# socat GOPEN:sniffed.pcap SSL:,verify=0

You can also use socat when doing live sniffing like this:

# tcpdump -i br0 -s 0 -U -w - | socat - SSL:,verify=0

Warning: Always make sure you don't sniff your own Pcap-over-IP stream when sending packets to NetworkMiner. You will otherwise construct a feedback loop, which will fill up the tubes. If you need to sniff the same interface as you are using to perform the Pcap‑over‑IP transfer, then make sure to use BPF to filter out the port number used for your Pcap‑over‑IP transfer like this:

# tcpdump -i ppp0 -U -w - not port 57012 | nc 57012

UPDATE June 16, 2014

With the release of NetworkMiner 1.6 we've made the PCAP‑over‑IP functionality available in the free open source edition of NetworkMiner. We have also integrated PCAP‑over‑IP into NetworkMinerCLI, i.e. the command line version of NetworkMiner Professional.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Wednesday, 07 September 2011 09:22:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #Netresec#Pcap-over-IP#Pcap#netcat#tcpdump#dumpcap#TCP#SSL#TLS

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