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Observing the Havex RAT

Havex RAT, original 'Street-rat' by Edal Anton Lefterov. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

It has, so far, been publicly reported that three ICS vendors have spread the Havex Remote-Access-Tool (RAT) as part of their official downloads. We've covered the six pieces of software from these three vendors in our blog post ”Full Disclosure of Havex Trojans”. In this blog post we proceed by analyzing network traffic generated by Havex.

Indicators of Compromise

Before going into details of our analysis we'd like to recommend a few other resources that can be used to detect the Havex RAT. There are three Havex IDS signatures available via Emerging Threats. There are also Yara rules and OpenIOC signatures available for Havex. Additionally, the following domains are known to be used in the later versions (043 and 044) of Havex according to Kaspersky:


HTTP Command-and-Control

The Havex RAT Command-and-Control (C2) protocol is based on HTTP POST requests, which typically look something like this:

POST /blogs/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-settings/bpsettings-src.php?id=84651193834787196090098FD80-c8a7af419640516616c342b13efab&​v1=043&​v2=170393861&​q=45474bca5c3a10c8e94e56543c2bd

As you can see, four variables are sent in the QueryString of this HTTP POST request; namely id, v1, v2 and q. Let's take a closer look to see what data is actually sent to the C2 server in the QueryString.

Param Description Common Values
id host identifier id=[random number][random hex]-c8a7af419640516616c342b13efab
id=[random number][random-hex]-003f6dd097e6f392bd1928066eaa3
v1 Havex version 043
v2 Windows version 170393861 (Windows XP)
498073862 (Windows 7)
498139398 (Windows 7, SP1)
q Unknown q=45474bca5c3a10c8e94e56543c2bd (Havex 043)
q=0c6256822b15510ebae07104f3152 (Havex 043)
q=214fd4a8895e07611ab2dac9fae46 (Havex 044)
q=35a37eab60b51a9ce61411a760075 (Havex 044)

Analyzing a Havex PCAP

I had the pleasure to discuss the Havex Malware with Joel Langill, when we met at the 4SICS conference in Stockholm last month. Joel was nice enough to provide me with a 800 MB PCAP file from when he executed the Havex malware in an Internet connected lab environment.

CapLoader Transcript of Havex C2 traffic
Image: CapLoader transcript of Havex C2 traffic

I used the command line tool NetworkMinerCLI (in Linux) to automatically extract all HTTP downloads from Joel's PCAP file to disk. This way I also got a CSV log file with some useful metadata about the extracted files. Let's have a closer look at what was extracted:

$ mono NetworkMinerCLI.exe -r new-round-09-setup.pcap
Closing file handles...
970167 frames parsed in 1337.807 seconds.

$ cut -d, -f 1,2,3,4,7,12 new-round-09-setup.pcap.FileInfos.csv | head

SourceIP   SourcePort  DestinationIP  DestinationPort  FileSize   Frame   TCP 80   TCP 1238   244 676 B       14   TCP 80   TCP 1261       150 B     1640   TCP 80   TCP 1286   359 508 B     3079   TCP 80   TCP 1311   236 648 B     4855   TCP 80   TCP 1329       150 B    22953   TCP 80   TCP 1338       150 B    94678   TCP 80   TCP 1346       150 B   112417   TCP 80   TCP 1353       150 B   130108   TCP 80   TCP 1365       150 B   147902

Files downloaded through Havex C2 communication are typically modules to be executed. However, these modules are downloaded in a somewhat obfuscated format; in order to extract them one need to do the following:

  • Base64 decode
  • Decompress (bzip2)
  • XOR with ”1312312”

To be more specific, here's a crude one-liner that I used to calculate MD5 hashes of the downloaded modules:

$ tail -c +95 C2_download.html | base64 -d | bzcat -d | xortool-xor -s "1312312" -f - -n | tail -c +330 | md5sum

To summarize the output from this one-liner, here's a list of the downloaded modules in Joel's PCAP file:

Downloaded HTML MD5 Extracted module MD5

All three extracted modules are known binaries associated with Havex. The third module is one of the Havex OPC scanner modules, let's have a look at what happens on the network after this module has been downloaded!

Analyzing Havex OPC Traffic

In Joel's PCAP file, the OPC module download finished at frame 5117. Less then a second later we see DCOM/MS RPC traffic. To understand this traffic we need to know how to interpret the UUID's used by MS RPC.

Marion Marschalek has listed 10 UUID's used by the Havex OPC module in order to enumerate OPC components. However, we've only observed four of these commands actually being used by the Havex OPC scanner module. These commands are:


Of these commands the ”IOPC Browse” is the ultimate goal for the Havex OPC scanner, since that's the command used to enumerate all OPC tags on an OPC server. Now, let's have a look at the PCAP file to see what OPC commands (i.e. UUID's) that have been issued.

$ tshark -r new-round-09-setup.first6000.pcap -n -Y 'dcerpc.cn_bind_to_uuid != 99fcfec4-5260-101b-bbcb-00aa0021347a' -T fields -e frame.number -e ip.dst -e dcerpc.cn_bind_to_uuid -Eoccurrence=f -Eheader=y  ip.dst      dcerpc.cn_bind_to_uuid
5140  000001a0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046
5145  000001a0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046
5172  000001a0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046
5185  9dd0b56c-ad9e-43ee-8305-487f3188bf7a
5193  000001a0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046
5198  55c382c8-21c7-4e88-96c1-becfb1e3f483
5212  00000143-0000-0000-c000-000000000046
5247  000001a0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046
5257  00000143-0000-0000-c000-000000000046
5269  00000143-0000-0000-c000-000000000046
5274  39c13a4d-011e-11d0-9675-0020afd8adb3
5280  39c13a4d-011e-11d0-9675-0020afd8adb3
5285  39227004-a18f-4b57-8b0a-5235670f4468
5286  39227004-a18f-4b57-8b0a-5235670f4468

We can thereby verify that the IOPCBrowse command was sent to one of Joel's OPC servers in frame 5285 and 5286. However, tshark/Wireshark is not able to parse the list of OPC items (tags) that are returned from this function call. Also, in order to find all IOPCBrowse commands in a more effective way we'd like to search for the binary representation of this command with tools like ngrep or CapLoader. It would even be possible to generate an IDS signature for IOPCBrowse if we'd know what to look for.

The first part of an MSRPC UUID is typically sent in little endian, which means that the IOPCBrowse command is actually sent over the wire as:

04 70 22 39 8f a1 57 4b 8b 0a 52 35 67 0f 44 68

Let's search for that value in Joel's PCAP file:

CapLoader 1.2 Find Keyword Window
Image: Searching for IOPCBrowse byte sequence with CapLoader

CapLoader 1.2 flow view
Image: CapLoader with 169 extracted flows matching IOPCBrowse UUID

Apparently 169 flows contain one or several packets that match the IOPCBrowse UUID. Let's do a “Flow Transcript” and see if any OPC tags have been sent back to the Havex OPC scanner.

CapLoader 1.2 Transcript of OPC-DA session
Image: CapLoader Transcript of OPC-DA session

Oh yes, the Havex OPC scanner sure received OPC tags from what appears to be a Waterfall unidirectional OPC gateway.

Another way to find scanned OPC tags is to search for a unique tag name, like “Bucket Brigade” in this example.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Wednesday, 12 November 2014 21:09:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #Havex#PCAP#NSM#ICS#C2#NetworkMinerCLI#CapLoader

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Full Disclosure of Havex Trojans

I did a talk on "SCADA Network Forensics" at the 4SICS conference last week, where I disclosed the results from my analysis of the Havex RAT/backdoor.

The Havex backdoor is developed and used by a hacker group called Dragonfly, who are also known as "Energetic Bear" and "Crouching Yeti". Dragonfly is an APT hacker group, who have been reported to specifically target organizations in the energy sector as well as companies in other ICS sectors such as industrial/machinery, manufacturing and pharmaceutical.

In my 4SICS talk I disclosed a previously unpublished comprehensive view of ICS software that has been trojanized with the Havex backdoor, complete with screenshots, version numbers and checksums.

Dale Petersen, founder of Digital Bond, expressed the following request regarding the lack of public information about the software trojanized with Havex:

If the names of the vendors that unwittingly spread Havex were made public, the wide coverage would likely reach most of the affected asset owners.

Following Dale's request we decided to publish the information presented at 4SICS also in this blog post, in order to reach as many affected asset owners as possible. The information published here is based on our own sandbox executions of Havex malware samples, which we have obtained via CodeAndSec and In addition to what I presented at 4SICS, this blog post also includes new findings published by Joel "scadahacker" Langill in version 2.0 of his Dragonfly white paper, which was released just a couple of hours after my talk.

In Symantec's blog post about Havex they write:

Three different ICS equipment providers were targeted and malware was inserted into the software bundles

Trojanized MESA Imaging driver

The first vendor known to have their software trojanized by the Dragonfly group was the Swiss company MESA Imaging, who manufacture industrial grade cameras for range measurements.

lib MESA SR Installer - SwissrangerSetup1.0.14.706.exe

Image: Screenshot of trojanized MESA Imaging driver installer from our sandbox execution

Company: MESA Imaging
Product: Swiss Ranger version (libMesaSR)
Filename: SwissrangerSetup1.0.14.706.exe
Exposure: Six weeks in June and July 2013 (source: Symantec)
Backdoor: Sysmain RAT
MD5: e027d4395d9ac9cc980d6a91122d2d83
SHA256: 398a69b8be2ea2b4a6ed23a55459e0469f657e6c7703871f63da63fb04cefe90

eWON / Talk2M

The second vendor to have their software trojanized was the Belgian company eWON, who provide a remote maintenance service for industrial control systems called “Talk2M”.

eWon published an incident report in January 2014 and then a follow-up report in July 2014 saying:

Back in January 2014, the eWON commercial web site had been compromised. A corrupted eCatcherSetup.exe file had been uploaded into the CMS (Content Management System) of web site. eCatcher download hyperlinks were rerouted to this corrupted file. The corrupted eCatcherSetup.exe contained a malware which could, under restricted conditions, compromise the Talk2M login of the infected user.

eWON Talk2M eCatcher Installer - eCatcherSetup.exe

Image: Screenshot of trojanized Talk2M eCatcher installer from our sandbox execution

Company: eWON
Product: Talk2M eCatcher version
Filename: eCatcherSetup.exe
Exposure: Ten days in January 2014, 250 copies downloaded (source: Symantec)
Backdoor: Havex 038
MD5: eb0dacdc8b346f44c8c370408bad4306
SHA256: 70103c1078d6eb28b665a89ad0b3d11c1cbca61a05a18f87f6a16c79b501dfa9

Prior to version 2.0 of Joel's Dragonfly report, eCatcher was the only product from eWON known to be infected with the Havex backdoor. However, Joel's report also listed a product called “eGrabit”, which we managed to obtain a malware sample for via

eWON eGrabIt Installer - egrabitsetup.exe

Image: Screenshot of trojanized eGrabIt installer from our sandbox execution

Company: eWON
Product: eGrabIt (version 3.0 Build 82)
Filename: egrabitsetup.exe
Exposure: unknown
Backdoor: Havex RAT 038
MD5: 1080e27b83c37dfeaa0daaa619bdf478
SHA256: 0007ccdddb12491e14c64317f314c15e0628c666b619b10aed199eefcfe09705

MB Connect Line

The most recent company known to have their software infected with the Havex backdoor was the German company MB Connect Line GmbH, who are known for their industrial router mbNET and VPN service mbCONNECT24.

MB Connect Line published a report about the Dragonfly intrusion in September 2014, where they write:

On 16th of April 2014 our website has been attacked by hackers. The files mbCHECK (Europe), VCOM_LAN2 and mbCONFTOOL have been replaced with infected files. These files were available from 16th of April 2014 to 23th of April 2014 for download from our website. All of these files were infected with the known Trojan Virus Havex Rat.

MB Connect Line mbCONFTOOL setup - setup_1.0.1.exe

Image: Screenshot of trojanized mbCONFTOOL installer from our sandbox execution

Company: MB Connect Line GmbH
Product: mbCONFTOOL V 1.0.1
Filename: setup_1.0.1.exe
Exposure: April 16 to April 23, 2014 (source: MB Connect Line)
Backdoor: Havex RAT 043
MD5: 0a9ae7fdcd9a9fe0d8c5c106e8940701
SHA256: c32277fba70c82b237a86e9b542eb11b2b49e4995817b7c2da3ef67f6a971d4a

MB Connect Line mbCHECK - mbCHECK.exe

Image: Screenshot of trojanized mbCHECK application from our sandbox execution

Company: MB Connect Line GmbH
Product: mbCHECK (EUROPE) V 1.1.1
Filename: mbCHECK.exe
Exposure: April 16 to April 23, 2014 (source: MB Connect Line)
Backdoor: Havex RAT 043
MD5: 1d6b11f85debdda27e873662e721289e
SHA256: 0b74282d9c03affb25bbecf28d5155c582e246f0ce21be27b75504f1779707f5

Notice how only mbCHECK for users in Europe was trojanized, there has been no report of the USA/CAN version of mbCHECK being infected with Havex.

We have not been able to get hold of a malware sample for the trojanized version of VCOM_LAN2. The screenshot below is therefore from a clean version of this software.

MB Connect Line VCOM_LAN2 setup - setupvcom_lan2.exe

Image: Screenshot VCOM_LAN2 installer

Company: MB Connect Line GmbH
Product: VCOM_LAN2
Filename: setupvcom_lan2.exe
Exposure: April 16 to April 23, 2014 (source: MB Connect Line)
Backdoor: unknown
MD5: unknown
SHA256: unknown

Conclusions on Havex Trojans

The vendors who have gotten their software trojanized by Dragonfly are all European ICS companies (Switzerland, Belgium and Germany). Additionally, only the mbCHECK version for users in Europe was infected with Havex, but not the one for US / Canada. These facts indicate that the Dragonfly / Energetic Bear threat actor seems to primarily target ICS companies in Europe.

Next: Detecting Havex with NSM

Read our follow-up blog post Observing the Havex RAT, which shows how to detect and analyze network traffic from ICS networks infected with Havex.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Monday, 27 October 2014 11:11:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #Havex#ICS#SCADA#Trojan#4SICS

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