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Hunting for Cobalt Strike in PCAP

In this video I analyze a pcap file with network traffic from Cobalt Strike Beacon using CapLoader.

The pcap file and Cobalt Strike malware config can be downloaded from Recorded Future's Triage sandbox.

Cobalt Strike Beacon configs can also be extracted locally with help of Didier Stevens' or Fox-IT's dissect.cobaltstrike.

IOC List

  • MD5 99516071d8f3e78e51200948bf377c4c
  • SHA1 59fe505b24bdfa54ee6e4188ed8b88af9a42eb86
  • SHA256 10e68f3e6c73161a1bba85ef9bada0cd79e25382ea8f8635bec4aa51bfe6c707
  • JA3 a0e9f5d64349fb13191bc781f81f42e1
  • JA4 t12d190800_d83cc789557e_7af1ed941c26
  • IP:port (Cloudflare)
  • Domain (Go Daddy)

Network Forensics Training

Are you interested in learning more about how to analyze network traffic from Cobalt Strike and other backdoors, malware and hacker tools? Then take a look at our upcoming network forensics classes!

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Thursday, 04 January 2024 10:12:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #Cobalt Strike#CobaltStrike#Triage#JA3#a0e9f5d64349fb13191bc781f81f42e1#ThreatFox#CapLoader#Video#videotutorial

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EvilExtractor Network Forensics

I analyzed a PCAP file from a sandbox execution of the Evil Extractor stealer malware earlier today. This stealer collects credentials and files of interest from the victim’s computer and exfiltrates them to an FTP server. It is designed to autonomously collect and exfiltrate data rather than receiving commands from an operator through a command-and-control channel. The EvilExtractor creators market this feature as a “golden bullet”.

Real hackers don’t use reverse shells right? If you have only one bullet, would you waste with reverse shell? Try Evil Extractor to have golden bullet.

I downloaded the Evil Extractor capture file from Triage to a Windows Sandbox environment, to avoid accidentally infecting my computer when extracting artifacts from the PCAP. I then opened it up in the free version of NetworkMiner.

NetworkMiner shows that after checking its public IP on EvilExtractor makes an unencrypted HTTP connection to a web server on to download This zip archive contains a file called “Lst.exe” which is used to steal browser data, cookies and credentials according to Fortinet.

EvilExtractor HTTP Downloads
Image: Files downloaded from TCP port 80

Twenty seconds later an FTP connection is established to on TCP port 21. The username and password used to authenticate to the FTP server was “u999382941” and “Test1234”.

EvilExtractor FTP Credentials EvilExtractor FTP Requests

On the FTP server EvilExtractor creates a directory named after the country and hostname of the victim's PC, such as “(Sweden)DESKTOP-VV03LJ”, in which it creates the following three sub directories:

  • 1-Password-Cookies
  • 2-Credentials
  • 3-Files

EvilExtractor FTP exfil of cookies and credentials

After uploading browser cookies, browser history and cached passwords from Chrome, Firefox and Edge to the “1-Password-Cookies” directory EvilExtractor sends a file called “Credentials.txt” to the “2-Credentials” directory. The contents of this text file looks something like this:

Public IP: [redacted]
Location: [lat],[long]
Computer Name: [redacted]
Username: Admin
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
OS Bit: 64-bit
Keyboard Language: en-US
GPU: [redacted]
CPU: Intel [redacted]
MAC Address: [redacted]
Extracted WIFI: [redacted]

The stealer also exfiltrates files with mpeg, docx, jpeg, pptx, zip, avi and rar extensions from the victim PC to the “3-Files” directory on the FTP server. The directory structure of the victim’s PC is maintained on the FTP server, so that files from the victim's desktop end up in a folder called “Desktop” on the FTP server.

EvilExtractor FTP exfil of files

The stealer later downloaded a keylogger module ( and a webcam module (, but no additional data was exfiltrated from this particular victim PC after that point.

IOC List

  • Web server:
  • FTP server:
  • EvilExtractor: 9650ac3a9de8d51fddab092c7956bdae
  • f07b919ff71fb33ee0f77e9e02c5445b
  • Lst.exe: 163d4e2d75f8ce6c838bab888bf9629c
  • 30532a6121cb33afc04eea2b8dcea461
  • Confirm.exe: 0c18c4669e7ca7e4d21974ddcd24fdca
  • bda0bda512d3e2a81fc9e4cf393091eb
  • MnMs.exe: fb970c4367609860c2e5b17737a9f460

Users with an account on Triage can download the analyzed PCAP file from here:

Update 2023-04-27

Jane tweeted a link to an execution of this same sample on ANY.RUN. This execution showed very similar results as the one on Triage, but with an interesting twist. Not only did the ANY.RUN execution exfiltrate images and documents from the Desktop and Downloads folders, it also exfiltrated “”, which contained the EvilExtractor EXE file that was being run!

EvilExtractor FTP exfil of files

The PCAP from the ANY.RUN execution can be downloaded from here:

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Wednesday, 26 April 2023 08:50:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #FTP#NetworkMiner#Sandbox#Triage#ANY.RUN

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