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CapLoader is a Windows tool designed to handle large amounts of captured network traffic. CapLoader performs indexing of PCAP/PcapNG files and visualizes their contents as a list of TCP and UDP flows. Users can select the flows of interest and quickly filter out those packets from the loaded PCAP files. Sending the selected flows/packets to a packet analyzer tool like Wireshark or NetworkMiner is then just a mouse click away.

CapLoader is the ideal tool if you're working with large PCAP files or datasets consisting of many PCAP files. The contents of individual flows can be exported to tools like Wireshark and NetworkMiner in just a matter of seconds after having loaded one or multiple large PCAP files.

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Video Tutorials

Video tutorial from our blog post "Analyzing Kelihos SPAM in CapLoader and NetworkMiner".

Video tutorial from our blog post "Hunting for Cobalt Strike in PCAP".

Video tutorial from our blog post "Detecting Cobalt Strike and Hancitor traffic in PCAP".


The typical process of working with CapLoader is:

  1. Open one or multiple pcap files, typically by drag-and-dropping them onto the CapLoader GUI.
    CapLoader loading a pcap file with drag-and-drop
  2. Select/mark the flows of interest.
    CapLoader selecting flows / sessions
  3. Double click the PCAP-icon to open the selected sessions in your default pcap parser (typically Wireshark) or better yet, do drag-and-drop from the PCAP-icon to any application you wish.
    CapLoader exporting packets to NetworkMiner
For more details on how to use CapLoader, please see our CapLoader video tutorial. You can also have a look at our blog posts about CapLoader to learn more about how to use CapLoader and what new features that are being added to this powerful tool.

Built-in Protocol Identification

CapLoader includes the ability to identify protocols without relying on port numbers (a feature often referred to as “traffic classification”). This feature can be enabled by checking the “Identify protocols” check-box in the GUI. Loading PCAP files with the “identify protocols” feature enabled will cause the application layer protocols of the extracted flows to be identified and displayed in the flow list. Being able to identify the application layer protocol is important in order to detect what services that run on non-standard ports as well as to detect if common ports are being used to transport other protocols than what might be expected.

The dynamic protocol identification feature allows for detection of over 100 protocols and sub-protocols. The identified protocols include Skype, IRC, FTP and SSH, MS-RPC, Poison Ivy RAT as well as several P2P and CardSharing protocols.

Read our Port Independent Protocol Detection blog post for more details on the protocol detection feature built into CapLoader.

CapLoader showing port independent identification of protocols
CapLoader showing port independent identification of protocols

Network Packet Carving

CapLoader has the ability to carve network packets from any file and save them in the PCAP-NG format. This fusion between memory forensics and network forensics makes it possible to extract sent and received IP frames, with complete payload, from RAM dumps as well as from raw disk images. CapLoader basically carves any TCP or UDP packet that is preceded by an IP frame (both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported).

CapLoader 1.2 Carving Packets from HoneyNet Memory Image
CapLoader 1.2 Carving Packets from HoneyNet Memory Image

Try or Buy CapLoader

CapLoader Trial CapLoader (professional edition)
License Validity Period 30 Days 3 Years
Max PCAP Data Size 5 GB No limit
Reads PcapNG Files
Reads ETL Files
IPv6 Support
Flow Transcript View
(a.k.a Follow TCP/UDP Stream)
Indexing of Flows for Fast Extraction
VXLAN Parser
Hostname extraction from DNS
Hostname extraction from TLS
Extract JA3 and JA3S
Extract JA4 fingerprints
Initial Round Trip Time calculation
Top 1M Main Domain Lookup
Top 1M FQDN Lookup
Port Independent
Protocol Identification (PIPI)
Alert on Malicious Protocol
Alert on Port-protocol Mismatch
Alert on Periodic Connections
Select Similar Flows
Geo-IP Localization (*)
ASN lookup (*)
OSINT lookup of IP's and domains
Network Packet Carving
Keyword String Search
Regular Expression (regex) Search
Input Filter (BPF)
Hide Flows in GUI
Display Filter (BPF)
Keyword Filter
Select Flows from Log file
Select Flows from PCAP file
Detection of Periodic Connections
Wireshark style Coloring
Price Free From $ 1300 USD
Download Free Trial Buy CapLoader
* CapLoader (professional edition) includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from

Change Log

Version Release Date Major Improvements
1.9.7 2024-09-06 Community ID and retransmissions columns, improved protocol detection and more decapsulated protcols.
1.9.6 2023-11-16 Integration with ThreatFox and JA4 fingerprints.
1.9.5 2023-02-09 Alerts for malicious traffic.
1.9.4 2022-06-16 Extraction of JA3 and JA3S hashes, Select Similar Flows and VXLAN decapsulation.
1.9.3 2021-11-02 Read Windows event tracing .etl files.
1.9.2 2021-07-01 Bug fixes.
1.9.1 2021-05-27 Bug fixes.
1.9 2021-05-27 Column Criteria filter, VLAN support in BPF and better periodicity detection.


CapLoader requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 to be installed.