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Kubernetes Cryptojacking

In this video I take a look at a cryptojacking attack against a Kubernetes honeypot. The attackers were surprisingly quick to discover this unsecured Kubernetes deployment and use it to mine Monero for them.

The analyzed capture files can be downloaded from

This PCAP dataset was created by Noah Spahn, Nils Hanke, Thorsten Holz, Chris Kruegel, and Giovanni Vigna as part of their research for their Container Orchestration Honeypot: Observing Attacks in the Wild paper.

The capture files named "proxy-", such as the analyzed proxy-220404-162837.pcap, were generated by PolarProxy and contain the decrypted Kubernetes API traffic to the master node. This traffic was actually TLS encrypted, but since PolarProxy was used as a TLS interception proxy we can see the Kubernetes API traffic in decrypted form.

IOC List

  • attacker IP: (PIA VPN)
  • kind: DeamonSet
  • name: api-proxy
  • namespace: kube-system
  • image: dorjik/xmrig
  • mining pool:
  • annotation:
  • Monero wallet address: 41pdpXWNMe6NvuDASWXn6ZMdPk4N6amucCHHstNcw2y8caJNdgN4kNeW3QFfc3amCiJ9x6dh8pLboR6minjYZpgk1szkeGg

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Tuesday, 07 May 2024 07:50:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #video#CapLoader#PolarProxy

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Hunting for Cobalt Strike in PCAP

In this video I analyze a pcap file with network traffic from Cobalt Strike Beacon using CapLoader.

The pcap file and Cobalt Strike malware config can be downloaded from Recorded Future's Triage sandbox.

Cobalt Strike Beacon configs can also be extracted locally with help of Didier Stevens' or Fox-IT's dissect.cobaltstrike.

IOC List

  • MD5 99516071d8f3e78e51200948bf377c4c
  • SHA1 59fe505b24bdfa54ee6e4188ed8b88af9a42eb86
  • SHA256 10e68f3e6c73161a1bba85ef9bada0cd79e25382ea8f8635bec4aa51bfe6c707
  • JA3 a0e9f5d64349fb13191bc781f81f42e1
  • JA4 t12d190800_d83cc789557e_7af1ed941c26
  • IP:port (Cloudflare)
  • Domain (Go Daddy)

Network Forensics Training

Are you interested in learning more about how to analyze network traffic from Cobalt Strike and other backdoors, malware and hacker tools? Then take a look at our upcoming network forensics classes!

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Thursday, 04 January 2024 10:12:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #Cobalt Strike#CobaltStrike#Triage#JA3#a0e9f5d64349fb13191bc781f81f42e1#ThreatFox#CapLoader#Video#videotutorial

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QakBot C2 Traffic

In this video I analyze network traffic from a QakBot (QBot) infection in order to identify the Command-and-Control (C2) traffic. The analyzed PCAP file is from

IOC List

  • C2 IP and port:
  • C2 IP and port:
  • QakBot proxy IP and port:
  • JA3: 72a589da586844d7f0818ce684948eea
  • JA3S: ec74a5c51106f0419184d0dd08fb05bc
  • JA3S: fd4bc6cea4877646ccd62f0792ec0b62
  • X.509 cert hash: 9de2a1c39fbe1952221c4b78b8d21dc3afe53a3e
  • X.509 cert Subject OU: Hoahud Duhcuv Dampvafrog
  • X.509 cert Issuer O: Qdf Wah Uotvzke LLC.
  • X.509 cert hash: 0c7a37f55a0b0961c96412562dd0cf0b0b867d37
  • HTML Body Hash: 22e5446e82b3e46da34b5ebce6de5751664fb867
  • HTML Title: Welcome to CentOS


For more analysis of QakBot network traffic, check out my Hunting for C2 Traffic video.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Thursday, 02 March 2023 12:43:00 (UTC/GMT)


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How to Identify IcedID Network Traffic

Brad Duncan published IcedID (Bokbot) from fake Microsoft Teams page earlier this week. In this video I take a closer look at the PCAP file in that blog post.

Note: This video was recorded in a Windows Sandbox to minimize the risk of infecting the host PC in case of accidental execution of a malicious payload from the network traffic.

As I have previously pointed out, IcedID sends beacons to the C2 server with a 5 minute interval. According to Kai Lu’s blog post A Deep Dive Into IcedID Malware: Part 2, this 5 minute interval is caused by a call to WaitForSingleObject with a millisecond timeout parameter of 0x493e0 (300,000), which is exactly 5 minutes.

UPDATE 2023-03-22

In the research paper Thawing the permafrost of ICEDID Elastic Security Labs confirm that IcedID's default polling interval is 5 minutes. They also mention that this interval is configurable:

Once initialized, ICEDID starts its C2 polling thread for retrieving new commands to execute from one of its C2 domains. The polling loop checks for a new command every N seconds as defined by the g_c2_polling_interval_seconds global variable. By default this interval is 5 minutes, but one of the C2 commands can modify this variable.

The IcedID trojan uses a custom BackConnect protocol in order to interact with victim computers through VNC, a file manager or by establishing a reverse shell. There was no IcedID BackConnect traffic in this particular PCAP file though, but severalother IcedID capture files published on do contain IcedID BackConnect traffic. For more information on this proprietary protocol, please see our blog post IcedID BackConnect Protocol.

IOC List

Fake Microsoft Teams download page

  • URL: hxxp://microsofteamsus[.]top/en-us/teams/download-app/
  • MD5: 5dae65273bf39f866a97684e8b4b1cd3
  • SHA256: e365acb47c98a7761ad3012e793b6bcdea83317e9baabf225d51894cc8d9e800
  • More info:

IcedID GzipLoader

  • Filename: Setup_Win_13-02-2023_16-33-14.exe
  • MD5: 7327fb493431fa390203c6003bd0512f
  • SHA256: 68fcd0ef08f5710071023f45dfcbbd2f03fe02295156b4cbe711e26b38e21c00
  • More info: Triage

IcedID payload disguised as fake gzip file

  • URL: hxxp://alishabrindeader[.]com/
  • MD5: 8e1e70f15a76c15cc9a5a7f37c283d11
  • SHA256: 7eb6e8fdd19fc6b852713c19a879fe5d17e01dc0fec62fa9dec54a6bed1060e7
  • More info: IcedID GZIPLOADER Analysis by Binary Defense

IcedID C2 communication

  • IP and port:
  • DNS: treylercompandium[.]com
  • DNS: qonavlecher[.]com
  • X.509 certificate SHA1: b523e3d33e7795de49268ce7744d7414aa37d1db
  • X.509 certificate SHA256: f0416cff86ae1ecc1570cccb212f3eb0ac8068bcf9c0e3054883cbf71e0ab2fb
  • JA3: a0e9f5d64349fb13191bc781f81f42e1
  • JA3S: ec74a5c51106f0419184d0dd08fb05bc
  • Beacon interval: 5 minutes
  • More info: ThreatFox

Network Forensics Training

Check out our upcoming live network forensics classes for more hands-on network forensic analysis. Our current class material doesn’t include any IcedID traffic though, instead you’ll get to investigate C2 traffic from Cobalt Strike, TrickBot, njRAT, Meterpreter and a few others.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Wednesday, 15 February 2023 10:52:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #IcedID#CapLoader#Video#Periodicity#GzipLoader#a0e9f5d64349fb13191bc781f81f42e1#ec74a5c51106f0419184d0dd08fb05bc

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CapLoader 1.9.5 Alerts on Malicious Traffic

CapLoader 1.9.5 was released today!

The most important addition in the 1.9.5 release is the new Alerts tab, in which CapLoader warns about malicious network traffic such as command-and-control protocols. The alerts tab also shows information about network anomalies that often are related to malicious traffic, such as periodic connections to a particular service or long running sessions.

Other additions in this new version are:

  • BPF support for “vlan” keyword, for example “vlan”, “not vlan” or “vlan 121”
  • Support for nanosecond PCAP files (magic 0xa1b23c4d)
  • Support for FRITZ!Box PCAP files (magic 0xa1b2cd34)
  • Decapsulation of CAPWAP protocol, so that flows inside CAPWAP can be viewed and filtered on
  • Domain names extracted from TLS SNI extensions

Alerts for Malicious Network Traffic

As you can see in the video at the end of this blog post, the Alert tab is a fantastic addition for everyone who wants to detect malicious activity in network traffic. Not only can it alert on over 30 different malicious command-and-control (C2) protocols — including Cerber, Gozi ISFB, IcedID, RedLine Stealer, njRAT and QakBot — it also alerts on generic behavior that is typically seen in malware traffic. Examples of such generic behavior are periodic connections to a C2 server or long running TCP connections. This type of behavioral analysis can be used to detect C2 and backdoor traffic even when the protocol is unknown. There are also signatures that detect “normal” protocols, such as HTTP, TLS or SSH running on non-standard ports as well as the reverse, where a standard port like TCP 443 is carrying a protocol that isn’t TLS.

Many of CapLoader’s alert signatures are modeled after threat hunting techniques, which can be used to detect malicious activities that traditional alerting mechanisms like antivirus, EDR’s and IDS’s might have missed. By converting the logic involved in such threat hunting tasks into signatures a great deal of the analysts’ time can be saved. In this sense part of CapLoader’s alerting mechanism is a form of automated threat hunting, which saves several steps in the process of finding malicious network traffic in a packet haystack.

Watch my Hunting for C2 Traffic video for a demonstration on the steps required to perform manual network based threat hunting without CapLoader's alerts tab. In that video I identify TLS traffic to a non-TLS port (TCP 2222) as well as non-TLS traffic to TCP port 443. As of version 1.9.5 CapLoader automatically generates alerts for that type of traffic. More specifically, the alert types will be Protocol-port mismatch (TLS on TCP 2222) and Port-protocol mismatch (non-TLS on TCP 443). Below is a screenshot of CapLoader’s new Alerts tab after having loaded the capture files analyzed in the Hunting for C2 Traffic video.

Alerts produced by CapLoader 1.9.5 after loading the three PCAP files from

Image: Alerts for malicious traffic in CapLoader 1.9.5.

Video Demonstration of CapLoader's Alerts Tab

The best way to explain the power of CapLoader’s Alerts tab is probably by showing it in action. I have therefore recorded the following video demonstration.

The PCAP file analyzed in the video can be downloaded from here:

This capture file is a small snippet of the network traffic analyzed in one of my old network forensics classes. It contains malicious traffic from njRAT and Kovter mixed with a great deal of legitimate web traffic.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Thursday, 09 February 2023 14:30:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #CapLoader#Video#njRAT#Threat Hunting

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Hunting for C2 Traffic

In this video I look for C2 traffic by doing something I call Rinse-Repeat Threat Hunting, which is a method for removing "normal" traffic in order to look closer at what isn't normal.

The video was recorded in a Windows Sandbox in order to avoid accidentally infecting my Windows PC with malware.

The PCAP files analyzed in the video are:

Thank you for sharing these capture files Brad!

IOC List

  • QBot source:
  • QBot md5: 2b55988c0d236edd5ea1a631ccd37b76
  • QBot sha1: 033a22c3bb2b0dd1677973e1ae6280e5466e771c
  • QBot sha256: 2d68755335776e3de28fcd1757b7dcc07688b31c37205ce2324d92c2f419c6f0
  • Qbot proxy protocol server:
  • QBot C2:
  • QBot C2 JA3: 51c64c77e60f3980eea90869b68c58a8
  • QBot C2 JA3S : 7c02dbae662670040c7af9bd15fb7e2f
  • QBot X.509 domain:
  • QBot X.509 thumbprint: 5a8ee4be30bd5da709385940a1a6e386e66c20b6
  • IcedID BackConnect server:
  • IcedID BackConnect server:

References and Links

Update 2022-10-13

Part two of this analysis has been published: IcedID BackConnect Protocol

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Friday, 30 September 2022 12:37:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #Threat Hunting#PCAP#CapLoader#NetworkMiner#NetworkMiner Professional#Video#QBot#QakBot#51c64c77e60f3980eea90869b68c58a8#IcedID#TA578

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Emotet C2 and Spam Traffic Video

This video covers a life cycle of an Emotet infection, including initial infection, command-and-control traffic, and spambot activity sending emails with malicious spreadsheet attachments to infect new victims.

The video was recorded in a Windows Sandbox in order to avoid accidentally infecting my Windows PC with malware.

Initial Infection

Palo Alto's Unit 42 sent out a tweet with screenshots and IOCs from an Emotet infection in early March. A follow-up tweet by Brad Duncan linked to a PCAP file containing network traffic from the infection on

Screenshot of original infection email from Unit 42

Image: Screenshot of original infection email from Unit 42

  • Attachment MD5: 825e8ea8a9936eb9459344b941df741a

Emotet Download

The PCAP from shows that the Excel spreadsheet attachment caused the download of a DLL file classified as Emotet.

CapLoader download of Emotet DLL from

Image: CapLoader transcript of Emotet download

  • DNS:
  • MD5: 99f59e6f3fa993ba594a3d7077cc884d

Emotet Command-and-Control

Just seconds after the Emotet DLL download completes the victim machine starts communicating with an IP address classified as a botnet command-and-control server.

Emotet C2 sessions with JA3 51c64c77e60f3980eea90869b68c58a8 in CapLoader

Image: Emotet C2 sessions in CapLoader

  • C2 IP:
  • C2 IP:
  • C2 IP:
  • JA3: 51c64c77e60f3980eea90869b68c58a8
  • JA3S: ec74a5c51106f0419184d0dd08fb05bc
  • JA3S: fd4bc6cea4877646ccd62f0792ec0b62

Emotet Spambot

The victim PC eventually started sending out spam emails. The spam bot used TLS encryption when possible, either through SMTPS (implicit TLS) or with help of STARTTLS (explicit TLS).

Emotet spambot JA3 hash 37cdab6ff1bd1c195bacb776c5213bf2 in NetworkMiner Professional

Image: Emotet spambot JA3 hash in NetworkMiner Professional

  • SMTPS JA3: 37cdab6ff1bd1c195bacb776c5213bf2
  • STARTTLS JA3: 37cdab6ff1bd1c195bacb776c5213bf2

Transmitted Spam

Below is a spam email sent from the victim PC without TLS encryption. The attached zip file contains a malicious Excel spreadsheet, which is designed to infect new victims with Emotet.

Emotet spam email from PCAP

Image: Spam email extracted from Emotet PCAP with NetworkMiner

  • .zip Attachment MD5: 5df1c719f5458035f6be2a071ea831db
  • .xlsm Attachment MD5: 79cb3df6c0b7ed6431db76f990c68b5b

Network Forensics Training

If you want to learn additional techniques for analyzing network traffic, then take a look at our upcoming network forensic trainings.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Monday, 09 May 2022 06:50:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #Emotet#C2#video#pcap#JA3#JA3S#51c64c77e60f3980eea90869b68c58a8#ec74a5c51106f0419184d0dd08fb05bc#fd4bc6cea4877646ccd62f0792ec0b62#SMTP#SMTPS#Windows Sandbox

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How the SolarWinds Hack (almost) went Undetected

My lightning talk from the SEC-T 0x0D conference has now been published on YouTube. This 13 minute talk covers tactics and techniques that the SolarWinds hackers used in order to avoid being detected.

Video: Hiding in Plain Sight, How the SolarWinds Hack went Undetected

Some of these tactics included using DNS based command-and-control (C2) that mimicked Amazon AWS DNS traffic, blending in with SolarWind’s legitimate source code and handpicking only a small number of targets.

One thing I forgot to mention in my SEC-T talk though, was the speed at which the attackers were working to analyze incoming data from the trojanized installs and selecting organizations to target for stage two operations.

SolarWinds Hack Timeline

For example, just during June 2020 the attackers got more than 1300 new organizations that started beaconing in using the DNS-based C2. The beaconed data only included the organizations’ Active Directory domain name and a list of installed security applications. Based on this information the attackers had to decide whether or not they wanted to target the organization. We have previously estimated that less than 1% of the organizations were targeted, while the malicious backdoor was disabled for all the other 99% who had installed the trojanized SolarWinds Orion update.

SolarWinds C2 IP addresses

The attackers typically decided whether or not to target an organization within one week from when they started beaconing. This means that the attackers probably had several hundred organizations in queue for a targeting decision on any given week between April and August 2020. That's a significant workload!

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Monday, 18 October 2021 10:30:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #SolarWinds#SEC-T#video#backdoor#SUNBURST#Solorigate#STAGE2#Stage 2#DNS#C2#ASCII-art

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2021 September

Start Menu Search Video

2021 July

Walkthrough of DFIR Madness PCAP

2021 May

Detecting Cobalt Strike and Hancitor traffic in PCAP

2020 January

Sharing a PCAP with Decrypted HTTPS

2019 January


2018 July

Detecting the Pony Trojan with RegEx using CapLoader

2018 February

Examining Malware Redirects with NetworkMiner Professional

Analyzing Kelihos SPAM in CapLoader and NetworkMiner

Antivirus Scanning of a PCAP File

Zyklon Malware Network Forensics Video Tutorial

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