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NetworkMiner 2.8 Released

NetworkMiner 2.8

I am happy to announce the release of NetworkMiner 2.8 today! This new version comes with an improved user interface, better parsing of IEC-104 traffic and decapsulation of CAPWAP traffic. The professional edition of NetworkMiner additionally adds port-independent detection of SMTP and SOCKS traffic, which enables extraction of emails and tunneled traffic even when non-standard ports are used.

User Interface Improvements

The first thing you see when starting NetworkMiner is the Hosts tab, which now has been updated to include a filter text box. This text box can be used to filter the displayed hosts based on the property fields they contain. By entering “Android” into the filter box NetworkMiner will show only the hosts having a property containing the string “Android”, for example in the OS classification or User-Agent string. Other properties you might find useful to filter on are hostname, JA3 hash and MAC address. If you’re running NetworkMiner Professional then you’ll also be able to filter on Country thanks to the MaxMind GeoLite2 feature included in the Pro edition.

NetworkMiner with Hosts filter Android

It’s now also possible to copy text from most tabs in NetworkMiner with Ctrl+C or by right-clicking and selecting “Copy selected rows”. A maximum of 10 rows can be copied at a time using the free version of NetworkMiner, while the Professional version allows all rows to be copied in one go.

The content based file type identification introduced in NetworkMiner 2.7 has been improved to also differentiate between EXE and DLL files as of version 2.8.

Matanbuchus malware download in NetworkMiner
Malicious AutoIt binary extracted from network traffic by NetworkMiner

IEC 60870-5-104

NetworkMiner’s parser for the SCADA protocol IEC 60870-5-104 (IEC-104) has been significantly improved in version 2.8. NetworkMiner now supports more IEC-104 commands and the commands are presented on the Parameters tab in a clearer way than before.

IEC-104 traffic in NetworkMiner

Image: IEC-104 commands sent by the Industroyer2 malware

I’m also proud to announce that NetworkMiner 2.8 now extracts files transferred over the IEC-104 protocol. More details about that particular feature is available in our IEC-104 File Transfer Extraction blog post.

CAPWAP Decapsulation

NetworkMiner 2.8 can read IEEE 802.11 packets inside CAPWAP tunnels between WLAN Controllers and Access Points. This feature allows WiFi traffic to be analyzed without having to capture packets in the air.

Reading PCAP from a Named Pipe

NetworkMiner previously allowed packets to be read from PacketCache over a named pipe. This feature has been upgraded to allow a PCAP stream to be read from any named pipe, not just from PacketCache. Here’s an example showing how to capture packets from localhost for 10 seconds with RawCap and make those packets available via a named pipe called “RawCap”:

RawCap.exe -s 10 \\.\pipe\RawCap

RawCap will start capturing packets once a PCAP reader connects to the “RawCap” named pipe, which now can be done with NetworkMiner by clicking “Read from Named Pipe” on the File menu.

Read PCAP from Named Pipe

Bug Fixes

NetworkMiner previously produced incorrect JA3S signatures for TLS servers if they sent Session ID values in Server Hello messages or listed only one supported TLS version using the Supported Versions extension. These bugs have now been fixed in NetworkMiner 2.8.

NetworkMiner’s live sniffing feature has been improved to better handle huge packets caused by Large Send Offload (LSO). NetworkMiner previously crashed with an error message saying that the received packet was “larger than the internal message buffer” when attempting to capture a too large packet.

TCP sessions occasionally didn’t show up in NetworkMiner’s Sessions tab previously if the application layer protocol was unknown. This bug has now been fixed in version 2.8.

New Features in NetworkMiner Professional

NetworkMiner Professional includes a feature for port independent protocol detection of protocols like FTP, HTTP, IRC, Meterpreter, SSH and TLS, which enables extraction of artifacts from those protocols even though the service is running on a non-standard port. This new release adds two additional protocols to the collection of identified protocols, namely SMTP and SOCKS. This allows analysts to extract emails from spam runs sent to ports other than 25 or 587, as well as to see what goes on inside covert SOCKS tunnels running on non-standard ports.

SMTP usernames and passwords extracted from SMTP traffic

Image: SMTP credentials extracted from spam run to non-standard SMTP port

In addition to allowing hosts to be filtered using string and regex matching, NetworkMiner Professional also allows the discovered hosts to be filtered on IP address using CIDR notation, such as “” or “”.

NetworkMiner with CIDR filter

Image: NetworkMiner Professional with CIDR filter

Here are some IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR filters that you might find useful:

  • = IPv4 multicast (224/4 is also supported)
  • = IPv4 loopback (127/8 is also supported)
  • fe80::/10 = IPv6 link-local addresses
  • ff00::/8 = IPv6 multicast
  • = IPv4 hosts (0/0 is also supported)
  • 0::/0 = IPv6 hosts


We’d like to thank René Perraux, Matt Smith and Anand Kumar Singh for reporting bugs that have been fixed in this new release.

Upgrading to Version 2.8

Users who have purchased NetworkMiner Professional can download a free update to version 2.8 from our customer portal, or use the “Check for Updates” feature from NetworkMiner's Help menu. Those who instead prefer to use the free and open source version can grab the latest version of NetworkMiner from the official NetworkMiner page.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Monday, 02 January 2023 08:00:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #NetworkMiner#IEC-104#SMTP#SOCKS#PIPI#CIDR

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NetworkMiner 2.7.3 Released

NetworkMiner 2.7.3

NetworkMiner now extracts meterpreter payloads from reverse shells and performs offline lookups of JA3 hashes and TLS certificates. Our commercial tool, NetworkMiner Professional, additionally comes with a packet carver that extracts network packets from memory dumps.

Extraction of Meterpreter Payloads

NetworkMiner 2.7.3 supports extraction of meterpreter DLL payloads from reverse shell TCP sessions deployed with Metasploit. The free version of NetworkMiner will try to extract the meterpreter DLL from TCP sessions going to "poker-hand ports" commonly used for meterpreter sessions, such as 3333, 4444, 5555, etc. The port-independent protocol detection feature available in NetworkMiner Professional additionally enables extraction of meterpreter DLLs regardless which LPORT the attacker specifies when deploying the reverse shell.

Meterpreter DLL extracted from PCAP file in NetworkMiner Professional

Image: Meterpreter DLL extracted from DFIR Madness' case001.pcap

Packet Carving in NetworkMiner Professional

If you try to open anything other than a PCAP, PcapNG or ETL file in NetworkMiner Professional, then you'll be presented with an option to carve packets from the opened file as of this release.

NetworkMiner Unknown Capture File Format

The packet carver can extract packets from any structured or unstructured data, such as memory dumps and proprietary packet capture formats. NetworkMiner Pro's carver is a simplified version of the packet carving feature in CapLoader.

Loading the 1GB "memdump.mem" from Ali Hadi's Challenge #1 - Web Server Case into NetworkMiner Professional takes roughly five seconds, during which 612 packets get extracted.

NetworkMiner Professional with packets extracted from memory dump

Image: Information about network hosts carved from memory dump

In this scenario the memory was dumped on the host, which NetworkMiner identifies as "WIN-L0ZZQ76PMUF". The carved packets also indicate that this computer had an outgoing TCP connection to, which appears to be a Linux machine called "kali". As you can see in the screenshot, the packets carved from the memory dump also reveal a great deal about other hosts on the network, such as the host, which seems to be a Windows 7 machine called "IT104-00".

Offline Matching of JA3 and X.509 hashes

NetworkMiner 2.7.3 comes with a local copy of the SSL Certificate and JA3 Fingerprint Blacklists from the awesome project. JA3 hashes and extracted X.509 certificates are matched against these lists in order to see if they are associated with any piece of malware or botnet.

Here's one example showing the default Cobalt Strike certificate being identified as "AKBuilder C&C", since that's how it is listed in's SSL certificate database.

CobaltStrike default X.509 certificate

Image: Cobalt Strike's default certificate identified as "AKBuilder C&C"
PCAP: Cobalt Strike PCAP from

The port-independent protocol detection feature in NetworkMiner Professional additionally enables X.509 certificates to be extracted even from non-standard TLS ports, such as this certificate, which is identified as "BitRAT" with help of the certificate block-list.

NetworkMiner Professional with BitRAT TLS traffic

Image: Both X.509 certificate and JA3 hash identified as BitRAT
PCAP: BitRAT PCAP from Joe Sandbox

The client's JA3 hash 8515076cbbca9dce33151b798f782456 is also associated with BitRAT according to

DBSBL Lookup Detection

DNSBL services are used by servers handling incoming email to verify that the sender's IP address isn't a known SPAM sender and that it isn't from a network that shouldn't be sending emails.

But DNSBL services can also be used by malware and botnets, such as TrickBot and Emotet, to verify that the public IP of a victim is allowed to send emails and that it hasn't already been blacklisted for sending SPAM. We have therefore decided to add DNSBL lookups to the Host Details section in NetworkMiner 2.7.3.

DNSBL lookups in NetworkMiner

Image: TrickBot victim checks if its public IP is blocked by DNSBL services
PCAP: TrickBot PCAP from

DNSBL lookups are also logged to the "Parameters" tab of NetworkMiner.

NetworkMiner with DNSBL parameters

Image: NetworkMiner's Parameters tab with "DNSBL" filter
PCAP: TrickBot PCAP from

Additional Features and Updates

We'd also like to mention some additional new features, bug fixes and improvements that have been included in this new release.

  • Support for HTTP CONNECT request method to extract artifacts like X.509 certificates and JA3 hashes from HTTPS traffic passing through a web proxy.
  • Traffic to TCP ports 3000 and 8000 are now configured to be parsed as HTTP by default in order to handle WEBrick traffic.
  • Improved extraction of SMTP credentials.
  • JA3 hashes were previously incorrect for clients that supported more than one EC point format (RFC 8422). This has now been fixed.
  • Support for SLL2 (Linux cooked capture v2) frames.
  • Improved handling of concurrent GUI events, for example when poking around in the "Hosts" tab while loading a PCAP file or doing live sniffing.
  • NetworkMiner's GUI no longer reloads between each PCAP file when multiple files are loaded at once.

New Features in NetworkMiner Professional

We have also added a few new features exclusively to NetworkMiner Professional, which is the commercial version of NetworkMiner. Apart from the packet carver feature, mentioned earlier in this blog post, we've also updated the collection of OSINT lookup services available in the GUI. One of the newly added services is Ryan Benson's unfurl, which picks apart URLs to reveal data that might have been encoded into a complex URL. The unfurl lookup can be found by right-clicking an URL in NetworkMiner Professional's "Browsers" tab and selecting the "Lookup URL" sub menu.

Other OSINT services that we've added are FileScan.IO and JoeSandbox lookups of extracted files. These lookups can be performed by right clicking a file in the "Files" tab and opening the sub-menu called "Lookup Hash".

Lookup of file hash on JoeSandbox

Image: OSINT lookup of an EXE file extracted from network traffic

The command-line version of NetworkMiner Professional, NetworkMinerCLI, has also been updated to allow extracted information to be printed directly on standard output instead of logging everything to files. Here is an example showing this feature while running NetworkMinerCLI in Linux (with help of Mono):

mono /opt/NetworkMinerProfessional_2-7-3/NetworkMinerCLI.exe -r 2022-03-14-Qakbot-with-Cobalt-Strike-and-VNC-module.pcap -w /tmp/malware -X FileInfos | cut -d, -f 5,9
"Microsoft RSA TLS CA 01.cer","806f1c72f6d67c9c114eff43d3d84100"
"Microsoft RSA TLS CA 02.cer","65d17ecae5798c79db8e840fe98a53b9"

The command above extracts files from a PCAP file, which contains traffic from a Windows PC infected with Qbot. The "-w" switch specifies the output directory for the files extracted from network traffic, and the "-X FileInfos" specifies that metadata for these files should be sent to STDOUT instead of being written to log files. The cut utility was used to show only the filename (column 5) and MD5 hash (column 9) of the file info output.

The MD5 hashes of the extracted files confirm that this is indeed a Qbot infection:

  • 124207bc9c64e20e114bcaeabde12a4e (VT)
  • ca7ef367c935182a40a95b9ad8b95f42 (VT)
  • a9a8366fa6be54b45ca04192ca217b75 (VT)

NetworkMinerCLI previously printed some information about the parsing process to STDOUT. That output has now been moved to STDERR in order to provide the "-X [type]" output with exclusive access to STDOUT.


We'd like to thank Michael Taggart for noticing that NetworkMiner previously failed to parse HTTP traffic to ports 3000 and 8000.

Upgrading to Version 2.7.3

Users who have purchased NetworkMiner Professional can download a free update to version 2.7.3 from our customer portal, or use the “Help > Check for Updates” feature. Those who instead prefer to use the free and open source version can grab the latest version of NetworkMiner from the official NetworkMiner page.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Monday, 04 April 2022 06:52:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #NetworkMiner#carve#JA3#X.509#CobaltStrike#Cobalt Strike#TrickBot#Emotet#PIPI#Protocol Detection#OSINT#NetworkMinerCLI

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Detecting Cobalt Strike and Hancitor traffic in PCAP

This video shows how Cobalt Strike and Hancitor C2 traffic can be detected using CapLoader.

I bet you’re going:

😱 OMG he’s analyzing Windows malware on a Windows PC!!!

Relax, I know what I’m doing. I have also taken the precaution of analyzing the PCAP file in a Windows Sandbox, which just takes a couple of seconds to deploy and run.

The capture file I’m looking at is called “2021-05-13-Hancitor-traffic-with-Ficker-Stealer-and-Cobalt-Strike.pcap” and can be downloaded from here:

CapLoader’s Services tab shows us that the connections to TCP 80 and 443 on are very periodic, with a detected period of exactly 1 minute. CapLoader successfully identifies the protocols for these two services as Cobalt Strike over HTTP and Cobalt Strike over SSL, respectively. The third service in this list is also very periodic, that’s the Hancitor trojan beaconing to its C2 server every two minutes.

Services tab in CapLoader

CapLoader uses machine learning to identify the application layer protocol based on the behavior of the traffic, not the port number. This means that there can be false positives, i.e. the protocol classification that CapLoader gives a flow or service might be wrong. It is more common, however, for CapLoader to yield false negatives, which means that it can't identify the protocol. The detection of Cobalt Strike inside of HTTP and SSL traffic was recently introduced in the latest 1.9 release of CapLoader. I expected this feature to detect Cobalt Strike traffic in HTTP, but I was delighted to see that CapLoader often detects even TLS encrypted Cobalt Strike beaconing with really good precision!

As shown in the video, the Cobalt Strike beacon config can easily be extracted from the network traffic using NetworkMiner and Didier Stevens’ 1768 K python script.

The output from Didier’s tool looks something like this:

0x0001 payload type 0 windows-beacon_http-reverse_http
0x0002 port 80
0x0003 sleeptime 60000
0x0004 maxgetsize 1048576
0x0005 jitter 0
0x0007 publickey 30819f30[...]
0x0008 server,get-uri ',/ca'

As you can see, it uses HTTP for transport with a “sleeptime” of 1 minute (60000 ms) and 0% jitter. This means that a new connection will be made to the Cobalt Strike C2 server every minute. The fact that there was no jitter is what gives this service such a high value in CapLoader’s “Periodicity” column.

Network Forensics Training

Are you interested in learning more about how to analyze network traffic from Cobalt Strike and other backdoors, malware and hacker tools? Then take a look at the live online network forensics classes I will be teaching in September and October!

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Monday, 31 May 2021 08:30:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #Netresec#Cobalt Strike#CobaltStrike#periodicity#Protocol Sandbox#PCAP#NSM#video#videotutorial

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NetworkMiner 2.4 Released

NetworkMiner 2.4

We are proud to announce the release of NetworkMiner 2.4 today! The new version comes with several improvements, such as username extraction from Kerberos traffic, better OS fingerprinting and even better Linux support.

Protocol Updates

The Kerberos v5 implementation in NetworkMiner 2.4 can be used to to extract usernames, hostnames and realms (domains) from unencrypted Kerberos requests/responses on port 88. NetworkMiner also parses and extracts usernames etc. from HTTP auth headers and SMB security blobs when they use Kerberos for authentication.

Kerberos username (Administrator) and realm (DENYDC.COM) in NetworkMiner's Host tab
Image: NetworkMiner showing extracted username (Administrator) and realm (DENYDC.COM) from the Wireshark sample capture file “Krb-contrained-delegation.cap”.

NetworkMiner also automatically attempts to parse traffic to TCP port 11371 as HTTP in order to extract GPG keys sent using the HKP protocol.

MAC Address Magic

We’ve added two new features related to MAC addresses to this release. One of them is the “MAC Age” field (showing “2000-11-09” in the previous screenshot), which is a guesstimate of how hold a device/host is based on its MAC address. This functionality uses HD Moore’s mac-ages database, which contains approximate dates for when hardware address ranges were allocated by IEEE (original concept from DeepMac).

The second MAC feature is a simple yet useful feature that adds links between hosts that share the same MAC address. This feature is useful for linking a host's IPv6 and IPv4 addresses with each other, but it can also be used to track if a physical host has changed its IP address. The MAC address links can be accessed by expanding the MAC address node in NetworkMiner’s Hosts tab.

IPv4 and IPv6 address with the same MAC address
Image: NetworkMiner with a PCAP file from ISTS 2012

ICS Asset Inventory

Hard Hat

We’ve put in some ground work in order to create OS fingerprinting signatures for several Industrial Control System (ICS) devices. Our signatures have been submitted and merged into Eric Kollmann’s Satori TCP database, which NetworkMiner uses to passively fingerprint hosts by examining various TCP and IP fields in the initial SYN/SYN+ACK packets of TCP sessions. The ICS devices we’ve added include PLCs, RTUs as well as rugged network equipment from vendors like ABB, Allen-Bradley, Modicon, Moxa, Phoenix Contact and Siemens. Some ICS vendors even got an icon showing their logo in the Hosts tab (see the Siemens/RUGGEDCOM device in the screenshot below) while the others got a yellow hard hat.

Asset inventory list with ICS devices
Image: Asset inventory list generated by NetworkMiner using PCAP files from the 4SICS 2015 ICS Lab.


NetworkMiner isn’t designed to be used as an IDS. Nevertheless we decided to add detection for the EternalBlue exploit to NetworkMiner 2.4. The fact that NetworkMiner parses NetBIOS and SMB makes it pretty straightforward to identify when an attacker is attempting to allocate a large non-paged pool in srvnet.sys by using a vulnerability in Microsoft’s SMB implementation (see MS17-010 for reference). This type of detection is difficult to perform using a standard IDS solution that cannot parse the NetBIOS and SMB protocols. Detected EternalBlue exploit attempts are listed in NetworkMiner's “Anomalies” tab. Example PCAP files with attackers/malware using the EternalBlue exploit can be found here:

NetworkMiner in Linux

NetworkMiner Loves Linux

NetworkMiner is a Windows tool, but it actually runs just fine also in other operating systems with help of the Mono Framework (see our guide “HowTo install NetworkMiner in Ubuntu Fedora and Arch Linux”). However, there are a few pitfalls that must be avoided to get the software running smoothly using Mono. With this release we’ve implemented workarounds for two bugs in Mono’s GUI implementation (System.Windows.Forms).

The first workaround handles a Mono bug that sometimes could be triggered by Drag-and-Dropping a file or image from NetworkMiner to another application, such as a browser, text editor or image viewer. Doing so would previously trigger a NullReferenceException in System.Windows.Forms.X11Dnd+TextConverter.SetData under certain conditions. We’re happy to report that you can now reliably drag and drop files extracted by NetworkMiner to other tools, even when running Linux.

The second workaround handles a bug in Mono’s GDIPlus implementation related to rendering of Unicode characters. We were unfortunately not able to reliably get Mono to render Unicode characters, NetworkMiner will therefore convert all Unicode MIME data to ASCII when using Mono (typically in Linux). Windows users will still get the proper Unicode representations of exotic characters and emojis in NetworkMiner though. ☺

NetworkMiner Professional

The commercial version of NetworkMiner, i.e. NetworkMiner Professional, comes with a few additional improvements. One of them is is that the following additional online sources have been added to the OSINT lookup feature:

OSINT lookup of file hash in NetworkMiner Professional
Image: OSINT lookup menu for .exe file extracted from’s 2018-10-16-trickbot.pcap.

The CSV export from NetworkMinerCLI has been updated to use the ISO 8601 format with explicit time zone for timestamps. An exported timestamp now look something like this:


NetworkMiner Professional 2.4 also identifies application layer protocols regardless of port number (a.k.a. PIPI) with much better precision than earlier versions. It also extracts audio from VoIP calls (SIP) more reliably than before.


I would like to thank Chris Sistrunk for requesting GUI support to link IPv4 and IPv6 hosts with the same MAC address and Jonas Lejon for the HKP GPG key extraction idea. I would also like to thank Phil Hagen for notifying us about the issue with Unicode in emails when running NetworkMiner under Mono and Ahmad Nawawi for notifying us about the protocol identification shortages in the previous version.

Upgrading to Version 2.4

Users who have purchased a license for NetworkMiner Professional 2.x can download a free update to version 2.4 from our customer portal. Those who instead prefer to use the free and open source version can grab the latest version of NetworkMiner from the official NetworkMiner page.


Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Thursday, 10 January 2019 14:20:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #NetworkMiner#ICS#Kerberos#SIP#VoIP#IPv6#Mono#Linux#Satori#OSINT#PIPI

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Examining an x509 Covert Channel

Jason Reaves gave a talk titled “Malware C2 over x509 certificate exchange” at BSides Springfield 2017, where he demonstrated that the SSL handshake can be abused by malware as a covert command-and-control (C2) channel.

Jason Reaves presenting at BSides Springfield 2017

He got the idea while analyzing the Vawtrak malware after discovering that it read multiple fields in the X.509 certificate provided by the server before proceeding. Jason initially thought these fields were used as a C2 channel, but then realized that Vawtrak performed a variant of certificate pinning in order to discover SSL man-in-the-middle attempts.

Nevertheless, Jason decided to actually implement a proof-of-concept (PoC) that uses the X.509 certificate as a C2 channel. Jason’s code is now available on GitHub along with a PCAP file demonstrating this covert C2 channel. Of course I couldn’t resist having a little look at this PCAP file in NetworkMiner.

The first thing I noticed was that the proof-of-concept PCAP ran the SSL session on TCP 4433, which prevented NetworkMiner from parsing the traffic as SSL. However, I was able to parse the SSL traffic with NetworkMiner Professional just fine thanks to the port-independent-protocol-identification feature (a.k.a Dynamic Port Detection), which made the Pro-version parse TCP 4433 as SSL/TLS.

X.509 certificates extracted from PCAP with NetworkMiner
Image: X.509 certificates extracted from PCAP with NetworkMiner

A “normal” x509 certificate size is usually around 1kB, so certificates that are 11kB should be considered as anomalies. Also, opening one of these .cer files reveals an extremely large value in the Subject Key Identifier field.

X.509 certificate with MZ header in the Subject Key Identifier field

Not only is this field very large, it also starts with the familiar “4D 5A” MZ header sequence.

NetworkMiner additionally parses details from the certificates that it extracts from PCAP files, so the Subject Key Identifier field is actually accessible from within NetworkMiner, as shown in the screenshot below.

Parameters tab in NetworkMiner showing X.509 certificate details

You can also see that NetworkMiner validates the certificate using the local trusted root certificates. Not surprisingly, this certificates is not trusted (certificate valid = FALSE). It would be most unlikely that anyone would manage to include arbitrary data like this in a signed certificate.

Extracting the MZ Binary from the Covert X.509 Channel

Even though NetworkMiner excels at pulling out files from PCAPs, this is definitively an occasion where manual handling is required. Jason’s PoC implementation actually uses a whopping 79 individual certificates in order to transfer this Mimikatz binary, which is 785 kB.

Here’s a tshark oneliner you can use to extract the Mimikatz binary from Jason's example PCAP file.

tshark -r mimikatz_sent.pcap -Y 'ssl.handshake.certificate_length gt 2000' -T fields -e x509ce.SubjectKeyIdentifier -d tcp.port==4433,ssl | tr -d ':\n' | xxd -r -p > mimikatz.exe

Detecting x509 Anomalies

Even though covert channels using x509 certificates isn’t a “thing” (yet?) it’s still a good idea to think about how this type of covert signaling can be detected. Just looking for large Subject Key Identifier fields is probably too specific, since there are other fields and extensions in X.509 that could also be used to transmit data. A better approach would be to alert on certificates larger than, let’s say, 3kB. Multiple certificates can also be chained together in a single TLS handshake certificate record, so it would also make sense to look for handshake records larger than 8kB (rough estimate).

Bro IDS logo

This type of anomaly-centric intrusion detection is typically best done using the Bro IDS, which provides easy programmatic access to the X.509 certificate and SSL handshake.

There will be false positives when alerting on large certificates in this manner, which is why I recommend to also check if the certificates have been signed by a trusted root or not. A certificate that is signed by a trusted root is very unlikely to contain malicious data.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Tuesday, 06 February 2018 12:13:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #malware#C2#SSL#TLS#certificate#NetworkMiner#PCAP#x509#X.509#PIPI#Bro#IDS#tshark

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Hunting AdwindRAT with SSL Heuristics

An increasing number of malware families employ SSL/TLS encryption in order to evade detection by Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS). In this blog post I’m gonna have a look at Adwind, which is a cross-platform Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that has been using SSL to conceal it’s traffic for several years. AdwindRAT typically connects SSL sessions to seemingly random TCP ports on the C2 servers. Hence, a heuristic that could potentially be used to hunt for Adwind RAT malware is to look for SSL traffic going to TCP ports that normally don’t use SSL. However, relying on ONLY that heuristic would generate way too many false positives.

Brad Duncan did an interesting writeup about Adwind RAT back in 2015, where he wrote:

I saw the same certificate information used last week, and it continues this week.
  • commonName = assylias
  • organizationName = assylias.Inc
  • countryName = FR
Currently, this may be the best way to identify Adwind-based post-infection traffic. Look for SSL traffic on a non-standard TCP port using that particular certificate.

Unfortunately, Adwind RAT has evolved to use other CN’s in their new certificates, so looking for “assylias.Inc” will not cut it anymore. However, looking for SSL traffic on non-standard TCP ports still holds on the latest Adwind RAT samples that we’ve analyzed.

The PT Research Attack Detection Team (ADT) sent an email with IDS signatures for detecting AdwindRAT to the Emerging-Sigs mailing list a few days ago, where they wrote:

“We offer one of the ways to detect malicious AdwindRAT software inside the encrypted traffic. Recently, the detection of this malicious program in network traffic is significantly reduced due to encryption. As a result of the research, a stable structure of data fragments was created.”

Not only is it awesome that they were able to detect static patterns in the encrypted data, they also provided 25 PCAP files containing AdwindRAT traffic. I loaded these PCAP files into NetworkMiner Professional in order to have a look at the X.509 certificates. NetworkMiner Professional supports Port-Independent Protocol Identification (PIPI), which means that it will automatically identify the C2 sessions as SSL, regardless of which port that is used. It will also automatically extract the X.509 certificates along with any other parameters that can be extracted from the SSL handshake before the session goes encrypted.

X.509 certificates extracted from AdwindRAT PCAP by NetworkMiner Image: Files extracted from ADT’s PCAP files that mach “Oracle” and “cer”.

In this recent campaign the attackers used X.509 certificates claiming to be from Oracle. The majory of the extracted certificates were exactly 1237 bytes long, so maybe they’re all identical? This is what the first extracted X.509 certificate looks like:

Self-signed Oracle America, Inc. X.509 certificate

The cert claims to be valid for a whopping 100 years!

Self-signed Oracle America, Inc. X.509 certificate

Self-signed, not trusted.

However, after opening a few of the other certificates it's clear that each C2 server is using a unique X.509 certificate. This can be quickly confirmed by opening the parameters tab in NetworkMiner Pro and showing only the Certificate Hash or Subject Key Identifier values.

NetworkMiner Parameters tab showing Certificate Hash values Image: Certificate Hash values found in Adwind RAT’s SSL traffic

I also noted that the CN of the certificates isn’t constant either; these samples use CN’s such as “Oracle America”, “Oracle Tanzania”, “Oracle Arusha Inc.”, “Oracle Leonardo” and “Oracle Heaven”.

The CN field is normally used to specify which domain(s) the certificate is valid for, together with any additinoal Subject Alternative Name field. However, Adwind RAT’s certificates don’t contain any domain name in the CN field and they don’t have an Alternative Name record. This might very well change in future versions of this piece of malware though, but I don’t expect the malware authors to generate a certificate with a CN matching the domain name used by each C2 server. I can therefore use this assumption in order to better hunt for Adwind RAT traffic.

But how do I know what public domain name the C2 server has? One solution is to use passive DNS, i.e. to capture all DNS traffic in order to do passive lookups locally. Another solution is to leverage the fact that the Adwind RAT clients use the Server Name Indication (SNI) when connecting to the C2 servers.

TLS Server Name (aka SNI) and Subject CN values don’t match for AdwindRAT Image: TLS Server Name (aka SNI) and Subject CN values don’t match for AdwindRAT

TLS Server Name (SNI) with matching Subject CN from Google Image: TLS Server Name (SNI) with matching Subject CN from Google.

My conclusion is therefore that Brad’s recommendations from 2015 are still pretty okay, even for the latest wave of Adwind RAT traffic. However, instead of looking for a fix CN string I’d prefer to use the following heuristics to hunt for this type of C2 traffic:

  • SSL traffic to non-standard SSL port
  • Self signed X.509 certificate
  • The SNI domain name in the Client Hello message does not match the CN or Subject Alternative Name of the certificate.

These heuristics will match more than just Adwind RAT traffic though. You’ll find that the exact same heuristics will also help identify other pieces of SSL-enabled malware as well as Tor traffic.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Monday, 04 September 2017 19:01:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #NetworkMiner#SSL#TLS#port#PCAP#PIPI#X.509#certificate#extract

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NetworkMiner 2.2 Released

NetworkMiner 2.2 = Harder Better Faster Stronger

NetworkMiner 2.2 is faster, better and stronger than ever before! The PCAP parsing speed has more than doubled and even more details are now extracted from analyzed packet capture files.

The improved parsing speed of NetworkMiner 2.2 can be enjoyed regardless if NetworkMiner is run in Windows or Linux, additionally the user interface is more responsive and flickers way less when capture files are being loaded.

User Interface Improvements

The keyword filter available in the Files, Messages, Sessions, DNS and Parameters tabs has been improved so that the rows now can be filtered on a single column of choice by selecting the desired column in a drop-down list. There is also an “Any column” option, which can be used to search for the keyword in all columns.

Keyword drop-down in NetworkMiner's Parameters tab

The Messages tab has also received an additional feature, which allows the filter keyword to be matched against the text in the message body as well as email headers when the “Any column” option is selected. This allows for an efficient analysis of messages (such as emails sent/received through SMTP, POP3 and IMAP as well as IRC messages and some HTTP based messaging platforms), since the messages can be filtered just like in a normal e-mail client.

We have also given up on using local timestamp formats; timestamps are now instead shown using the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format with time zone explicitly stated.

Protocol Parsers

NetworkMiner 2.2 comes with a parser for the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), which rides on top of COTP and TPKT. The RDP parser is primarily used in order to extract usernames from RDP cookies and show them on the Credentials tab. This new version also comes with better extraction of SMB1 and SMB2 details, such as NTLM SSP usernames.

RDP Cookies extracted with NetworkMiner 2.2

One big change that has been made behind the scenes of NetworkMiner is the move from .NET Framework 2.0 to version 4.0. This move doesn’t require any special measures to be taken for most Microsoft Windows users since the 4.0 Framework is typically already installed on these machines. If you’re running NetworkMiner in Linux, however, you might wanna check out our updated blog post on how to install NetworkMiner in Linux.

We have also added an automatic check for new versions of NetworkMiner, which runs every time the tool is started. This update check can be disabled by adding a --noupdatecheck switch to the command line when starting NetworkMiner.

NetworkMiner.exe --noupdatecheck capturefile.pcap

NetworkMiner Professional

Even though NetworkMiner 2.2 now uses ISO-like time representations NetworkMiner still has to decide which time zone to use for the timestamps. The default decision has always been to use the same time zone as the local machine, but NetworkMiner Professional now additionally comes with an option that allows the user to select whether to use UTC (as nature intended), the local time zone or some other custom time zone for displaying timestamps. The time zone setting can be found in the “Tools > Settings” menu.

UPDATE: With the release of NetworkMiner 2.3 the default time zone is now UTC unless the user has specifically selected a different time zone.

The Port-Independent-Protocol-Detection (PIPI) feature in NetworkMiner Pro has been improved for more reliable identification of HTTP, SSH, SOCKS, FTP and SSL sessions running on non-standard port numbers.


We are happy to announce that the professional edition of NetworkMiner 2.2 now has support for exporting extracted details using the Cyber-investigation Analysis Standard Expression (CASE) format, which is a JSON-LD format for digital forensics data. The CASE export is also available in the command line tool NetworkMinerCLI.

We would like to thank Europol for recommending us to implement the CASE export format in their effort to adopt CASE as a standard digital forensic format. Several other companies in the digital forensics field are currently looking into implementing CASE in their tools, including AccessData, Cellebrite, Guidance, Volatility and XRY. We believe the CASE format will become a popular format for exchanging digital forensic data between tools for digital forensics, log correlation and SIEM solutions.

We will, however, still continue supporting and maintaining the CSV and XML export formats in NetworkMiner Professional and NetworkMinerCLI alongside the new CASE format.


I would like to thank Sebastian Gebhard and Clinton Page for reporting bugs in the Credentials tab and TFTP parsing code that now have been fixed. I would also like to thank Jeff Carrell for providing a capture file that has been used to debug an issue in NetworkMiner’s OpenFlow parser. There are also a couple of users who have suggested new features that have made it into this release of NetworkMiner. Marc Lindike suggested the powerful deep search of extracted messages and Niclas Hirschfeld proposed a new option in the PCAP-over-IP functionality that allows NetworkMiner to receive PCAP data via a remote netcat listener.

Upgrading to Version 2.2

Users who have purchased a license for NetworkMiner Professional 2.x can download a free update to version 2.2 from our customer portal.

Those who instead prefer to use the free and open source version can grab the latest version of NetworkMiner from the official NetworkMiner page.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Tuesday, 22 August 2017 11:37:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #pcap#CASE#PIPI#HTTP#SOCKS#FTP#SSL#port#forensics

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Port Independent Protocol Detection

Protocol Alphabet Soup by ThousandEyes

Our heavy-duty PCAP analyzer CapLoader comes with a feature called ”Port Independent Protocol Identification”, a.k.a. PIPI (see Richard Bejtlich's PIPI blog post from 2006). Academic research in the Traffic Measurement field often use the term ”Traffic Classification”, which is similar but not the same thing. Traffic Classification normally group network traffic in broad classes, such as Email, Web, Chat or VoIP. CapLoader, on the other hand, identifies the actual application layer protocol used in each flow. So instead of classifying a flow as ”VoIP” CapLoader will tell you if the flow carries SIP, Skype, RTP or MGCP traffic. This approach is also known as “Dynamic Protocol Detection”.

Being able to identify application layer protocols without relying on the TCP or UDP port number is crucial when analyzing malicious traffic, such as malware Command-and-Control (C2) communication, covert backdoors and rouge servers, since such communication often use services on non-standard ports. Some common examples are:

  • Many botnet C2 protocols communicate over port TCP 443, but using a proprietary protocol rather than HTTP over SSL.
  • Backdoors on hacked computers and network devices typically wither run a standard service like SSH on a port other than 22 in order to hide.
  • More advanced backdoors use port knocking to run a proprietary C2 protocol on a standard port (SYNful knock runs on TCP 80).

This means that by analyzing network traffic for port-protocol anomalies, like an outgoing TCP connection to TCP 443 that isn't SSL, you can effectively detect intrusions without having IDS signatures for all C2 protocols. This analysis technique is often used when performing Rinse-Repeat Intrusion Detection, which is a blacklist-free approach for identifying intrusions and other form of malicious network traffic. With CapLoader one can simply apply a BPF filter like “port 443” and scroll through the displayed flows to make sure they are all say “SSL” in the Protocol column.

CapLoader detects non-SSL traffic to Image: Miuref/Boaxxe Trojan C2 traffic to "1.web-counter[.]info" on TCP 443 doesn't use SSL (or HTTPS)

Statistical Analysis

CapLoader relies on statistical analysis of each TCP, UDP and SCTP session's behavior in order to compare it to previously computed statistical models for known protocols. These statistical models are generated using a multitude of metrics, such as inter-packet delays, packet sizes and payload data. The port number is, on the other hand, a parameter that is intentionally not used by CapLoader to determine the application layer protocol.

The PIPI/Dynamic Protocol Detection feature in CapLoader has been designed to detect even encrypted and obfuscated binary protocols, such as Tor and Encrypted BitTorrent (MSE). These protocols are designed in order to deceive protocol detection mechanisms, and traditional signature based protocol detection algorithms can't reliably detect them. The statistical approach employed by CapLoader can, on the other hand, actually detect even these highly obfuscated protocols. It is, however, important to note that being a statistical method it will never be 100% accurate. Analysts should therefore not take for granted that a flow is using the protocol stated by CapLoader. There are some situations when it is very difficult to accurately classify an encrypted protocol, such as when the first part of a TCP session is missing in the analyzed data. This can occur when there is an ongoing session that was established before the packet capture was started.

Identified Protocols

The following protocols are currently available for detection in CapLoader's protocol database:

AOL Instant Messenger
BitTorrent Encrypted - MSE
DropBox LSP
eDonkey Obfuscated
Gh0st RAT
Groove LAN DPP
MikroTik NDP
Modbus TCP
MSN Messenger
NetBIOS Datagram Service
NetBIOS Name Service
NetBIOS Session Service
Poison Ivy RAT
Reverse Shell
SopCast P2P
Spotify P2P
Spotify Server
TeamViewer UDP
XMPP Jabber
Zeus TCP
Zeus UDP

The list of implemented protocols is constantly being increased with new protocols.

PIPI in NetworkMiner

NetworkMiner Logo

NetworkMiner Professional, which is the commercial version of NetworkMiner, also comes with an implementation of our protocol detection mechanism. Even though NetworkMiner Professional doesn't detect as many protocols as CapLoader, the PIPI feature built into NetworkMiner Pro still helps a lot when analyzing HTTP traffic on ports other that 80 or 8080 as well as in order to reassemble files downloaded from FTP or TFTP servers running on non-standard ports.


Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Tuesday, 06 October 2015 09:05:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #Protocol Identification#CapLoader#VoIP#SIP#RTP#TOR#SSL#PIPI#PCAP#NetworkMiner

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