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TLS Redirection and Dynamic Decryption Bypass in PolarProxy

PolarProxy is constantly being updated with new features, enhanced performance and bug fixes, but these updates are not always communicated other than as a short mention in the ChangeLog. I would therefore like to highlight a few recent additions to PolarProxy in this blog post.

Custom TLS Redirection

One new feature in PolarProxy is the --redirect argument, which can be used to redirect TLS traffic destined for a specific domain name to a different domain. This feature can be used to redirect TLS-encrypted malware traffic going to a known C2 domain to a local HTTPS sandbox instead, for example INetSim.

PolarProxy --redirect --leafcert noclone

This --redirect argument will cause PolarProxy to terminate outgoing TLS traffic to and redirect the decrypted traffic into a new TLS session going to inetsim.local instead. The “--leafcert noclone” argument forces PolarProxy to generate a fake X.509 certificate for “” rather than sending a clone of the certificate received from the INetSim server to the malware implant.

Note: You also need to specify a proxy mode, such as -p for transparent proxy or --socks for SOCKS proxy, to make the command above work.
PolarProxy TLS redirect

The --redirect argument can also be used to perform domain fronting, which is a clever method for hiding the true destination of HTTPS based communication, in order to circumvent censorship or for other reasons conceal who you’re communicating with. The following command can be used to set up a local socks proxy that redirects traffic destined for YouTube to instead:

PolarProxy --socks 1080 --redirect,,

A browser configured to use PolarProxy as a SOCKS proxy will send HTTPS requests for to PolarProxy, which then decrypts the TLS layer and re-encrypts the HTTP communication in a new TLS session directed at instead. Someone who monitors the outgoing traffic from PolarProxy will assume that this is normal Google traffic, since the SNI as well as certificate will be for On the server side however, after having decrypted the TLS layer, Google will kindly forward the client’s original HTTP request for to an endpoint that serves the content for YouTube.

Dynamic TLS Decryption Bypass

PolarProxy is designed to block TLS connections that it can’t decrypt, except for when the server’s domain name is explicitly marked for decryption bypass with the “--bypass” command line argument. However, as of recently PolarProxy also supports dynamic TLS decryption bypass using a form of fail-open mode. When this fail-open mode is enabled, PolarProxy attempts to intercept and decrypt proxied TLS traffic, but allows connections to bypass decryption if the same client-server pair has previously rejected PolarProxy’s certificate. This method is convenient when monitoring network traffic from applications that enforce certificate pinning or for some other reason can’t be configured to trust PolarProxy’s root CA – provided that it’s acceptable to let traffic that can’t be decrypted to pass through untouched rather than blocking it, of course.

The following command line option configures PolarProxy to allow new TLS connections to bypass decryption for one hour (3600 seconds) after previously having failed to decrypt traffic between the same client and server.

--bypassonfail 1:3600

A simple way to verify this fail-open feature is to do a simple test with curl. It doesn’t matter if the client you’re testing on is Windows, Linux or macOS, since PolarProxy as well as curl is available for all three platforms.

PolarProxy --bypassonfail 1:3600 --socks 1080
curl --socks4 localhost -I
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

curl --socks4 localhost -I
HTTP/2 200
content-encoding: gzip
accept-ranges: bytes
age: 593298
cache-control: max-age=604800
content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
date: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 14:29:46 GMT
etag: "3147526947"
expires: Mon, 06 Mar 2023 14:29:46 GMT
last-modified: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 07:18:26 GMT
server: ECS (nyb/1DCD)
x-cache: HIT
content-length: 648

Web browsers that don’t trust PolarProxy’s root CA will display a certificate warning the first time they visit a website that PolarProxy tries to decrypt traffic for.

Firefox certificate warning

But once the dynamic bypass has kicked in the user will no longer see a certificate warning when visiting the same website again, since traffic between that client and server is now end-to-end encrypted.

Handling of non-TLS traffic and Better Logging

Other new features in PolarProxy is the “--nontls” argument, which can be used to specify how to handle connections that doesn’t use TLS. The default action is to block non-TLS connections, but they can also be allowed to pass through (if the target host is known) or to forward the connection to a specific host and port. There is even a “--nontls encrypt” argument, which can be used to encrypt traffic that isn’t already TLS-encrypted before forwarding it to a specific host. This feature can be used as an alternative to stunnel to wrap traffic from applications that lack TLS support inside a TLS tunnel.

PolarProxy now also produces less output to stdout, unless -v is used, and error messages have been improved to be more specific and easier to understand.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Tuesday, 28 February 2023 13:42:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #PolarProxy#TLS#redirect#bypass#SNI#ASCII-art

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Packet Injection Attacks in the Wild

I have previously blogged about packet injection attacks, such as the Chinese DDoS of GitHub and Covert Man-on-the-Side Attacks. However, this time I've decided to share some intelligence on real-world packet injection attacks that have been running for several months and that are still active today.

Packet Injection by Network Operators

Gabi Nakibly, Jaime Schcolnik and Yossi Rubin recently released a very interesting research paper titled “Website-Targeted False Content Injection by Network Operators”, where they analyzed packet injection attacks in the wild. Here's a snippet from the paper's abstract:

It is known that some network operators inject false content into users’ network traffic. Yet all previous works that investigate this practice focus on edge ISPs (Internet Service Providers), namely, those that provide Internet access to end users. Edge ISPs that inject false content affect their customers only. However, in this work we show that not only edge ISPs may inject false content, but also core network operators. These operators can potentially alter the traffic of all Internet users who visit predetermined websites.

The researchers analyzed 1.4 petabits of HTTP traffic, captured at four different locations; three universities and one corporation. Some of their findings have been made available as anonymized PCAP files here:

We have attempted to recreate these packet injections by visiting the same URLs again. Unfortunately most of our attempts didn't generate any injected responses, but we did manage to trigger injections for two of the groups listed by Nakibly et al. (“hao” and “GPWA”).

Redirect Race between and

We managed to get very reliable packet injections when visiting the website We have decided to share one such PCAP file containing a packet injection attack here:

This is what it looks like when loading that PCAP file into CapLoader and doing a “Flow Transcript” on the first TCP session:

CapLoader Flow Transcript of race between and
Image: CapLoader Flow Transcript (looks a bit like Wireshark's Follow-TCP-Stream)

We can see in the screenshot above that the client requests and receives two different responses with the same sequence number (3820080905):

  • The first response is a “302 Found”, forwarding the client to:
  • The second response is a “302 Moved Temporarily”, that attempts a redirect to:

Judging from the IP Time-To-Live (TTL) values we assume that the first response ( was an injected packet, while the second response ( was coming from the real webserver for

If you have an eye for details, then you might notice that the injected packet doesn't use the standard CR-LF (0x0d 0x0a) line breaks in the HTTP response. The injected packet only uses LF (0x0a) as line feed in the HTTP header.

Since the injected response arrived before the real response the client followed the injected redirect to This is what the browser showed after trying to load

Browser showing when trying to visit

SSL encryption is an effective protection against packet injection attacks. So if the user instead enters then the browser follows the real redirect to

Browser showing when using SSL to visit redirected to

Prior to the release of Gabi's packet injection paper, the only publicly available PCAP file showing a real-world packet injection was this one:

That PCAP file was released after Yun Zheng Hu (of Fox-IT) gave a presentation titled “Detecting Quantum Insert” at BroCon 2015. A video recording of Yun Zheng's talk is available online, including a live demo of the packet injection.

We have managed to re-trigger this packet injection attack as well, simply by visiting Doing so triggers two injected HTTP responses that attempts to do a redirect to The target page of the injected responses has a message from the Alibaba Group ( saying that the page has been blocked.

Website blocked message from Alibaba Group

We have decided to also share a PCAP file containing a packet injection attack for here:

This is what it looks like when that PCAP file is loaded into NetworkMiner Professional, and the Browsers tab is opened in order to analyze the various HTTP redirections:

Browsers tab in NeworkMiner Professional 2.0
Image: Browsers tab in NetworkMiner Professional 2.0

Here's a short recap of what is happening in our shared PCAP file for

  • Frame 13 : is opened
  • Frame 18 : Real server responds with an HTML refresh leading to
  • Frame 20 : The client also receives two injected packets trying to do a “403 Forbidden” that redirects to However, these injected packets arrived too late.
  • Frame 24 : The client proceeds by loading
  • Frame 25 : Two new injected responses are sent, this time successfully redirecting the client to the Alibaba page.
  • Frame 28 : The real response arrives too late.
  • Frame 43 : The client opens the Alibaba page with message about the site being blocked

Protecting against Packet Injection Attacks

The best way to protect against TCP packet injection attacks is to use SSL encryption. Relying on HTTP websites to do a redirect to an HTTPS url isn't enough, since that redirect could be targeted by packet injection. So make sure to actually type “https://” (or use a browser plug-in) in order to avoid being affected by injected TCP packets.

Referenced Capture Files

The following PCAP files have been referenced in this blog post:

For more PCAP files, please visit our list of publicly available PCAP files here:

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Tuesday, 01 March 2016 13:37:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #NetworkMiner#HTTP#browser#CapLoader#MOTS#HTTPS#TCP#PCAP

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Analyzing Web Browsing Activity

NetworkMiner logo HTTP GET

One of the features included in the newly released version 2.0 of NetworkMiner Professional is a new tab called “Browsers”. This tab shows web browsing requests and reponses in a hierarchical tree view, with the identified web browsers as root nodes.

The idea of tracking browser activity this way was suggested to me by Steffen Thorkildsen way back in 2009. I'm therefore happy to finally have this feature implemented in NetworkMiner!

At first glance, the Browser tab looks somewhat like the Hosts tab. One difference is that there can be multiple browsers per host, since each unique HTTP User-Agent is considered a separate browser.

NetworkMiner Professional 2.0 Browsers tab

The web pages (URLs) visited by a browser can be analyzed by expanding the node of that browser. The URLs are organized in a hierarchical structure, so that all URLs visited by clicking a link on a web page are placed under the node of that web page. This enables the analyst to see how a user ended up at a particular URL. NetworkMiner primarily uses the HTTP referer header (the misspelling of referrer stems back to RFC1945) to backtrack the pages visited before landing at a particular page.

NetworkMiner Professional 2.0 Browsers tab - Bing search
Image: Bing search for “create bitcoin address” that led the user to

The browser tree view also shows HTTP redirects, such as “302 Found” and “301 moved permanently”. These redirects can be used in order to see encrypted HTTPS URLs that a user is redirected to, for example when logging in at a website.

NetworkMiner Professional 2.0 Browsers tab - 302 Moved Temporarily
Image: Microsoft responding with a “302 Moved Temporarily" redirect

The icons that show up at some web servers are favicon images that have been passively extracted from the analyzed PCAP file.

NetworkMiner Professional 2.0 Browsers tab - Favicon
Image: Website icons extracted from favicon.ico downloads

We hope the Browser tab can be of help in criminal investigations in order to show whether or not a suspect visited a particular website intentionally. This feature can also be used to track the activity of malware that uses HTTP for command-and-control (C2) as well as to analyze redirect chains used for malware downloads.

NetworkMiner Professional 2.0 Browsers tab - Redirect Chain
Image: PCAP file containing a redirect chain leading to malware downloads

The PCAP file loaded in the screenshot above originally comes from Note that our analysis was done by running NetworkMiner in Linux to prevent accidental malware infection. The events shown in NetworkMiner's browser tab matches the description of the redirect chain provided at port 80 - - Compromised website port 80 - - First redirect port 80 - - Second redirect port 80 - - Nuclear EK

The redirect chain leads to a Nuclear Exploit Kit (SWF file with MD5 695a07cbcac3ca64010e168fe495ff4a, VirusTotal). Later on the Nuclear EK retrieves the file “kernel1.exe”, which seems to be related to the Kelihos botnet.

Posted by Erik Hjelmvik on Thursday, 18 February 2016 13:37:00 (UTC/GMT)

Tags: #NetworkMiner#NetworkMiner Professional#HTTP#browser#favicon#redirect#malware#NSM#PCAP

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